Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012

261 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Finale Review Part 2

Weekly Lost Podcast Finale Review Part 2 Click Here To Download This is part 2 of 2 of our community review of the finale of LOST. While this is our review of “The End” of Lost, this is not the end of the Lost Podcast of We want to encourage you to remain subscribed [...]


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Latest Trending Videos: The Week of January 21


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194 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Review of This Place Is Death

Weekly Lost Podcast Ep 194 – Season 5 Ep 5 – This Place Is Death Click Here To Download Wondering where episodes 189, 190, 191, 192 and 193 are? We release a few episodes of the Weekly Lost Podcast in the free feed each month. However, our Plus Members get every single episode of [...]


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500 OTS ? Welcome To On The Screen With Cliff And Stephanie

In this episode, Stephanie and I unveil a new direction for our tv based entertainment podcasts. As you will hear in this episode, we feel this approach is going to allow us to continue to provide just as much content devoted to our long time favorite tv shows. At the same time, we feel that [...]


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Referendum on a Person or on a Treaty?

Reader Andrea from Italy, but who now lives in France adds some insight into Sarkozy's "Treaty Too Complicated For A Vote" excuse.

Andrea writes ...
Hi Mish,

I can add some more info.

Sarkozy started his presidential campaign pledging to be the "president of the people" and saying he wants to give to the people the power to decide about some issues: particularly he said he is going to propose a referendum about a couple of issues, immigration laws and unemployement benefits. As you can easily imagine, these are "minor" subjects for a referendum, normally dealt by executive power.

So, it is very contradictory that he does not want a referendum about the European Treaty, even more in the light of the fact that in recent years France held two referendums about Europe: one about Euro introduction and another about approval of the European treaty signed in 2006 (possibly as complicated as this one). Clearly he knows the topic is a referendum on his own policies and he wants to avoid this.


On second thought, the treaty is too complicated (for his own personal good), not too complicated for the good of France.

President of the people? Is there a president (leader) of the people anywhere? Certainly not Germany, Ireland, Greece, Italy, the United States, Australia, Canada, or anywhere else.

I am tired of the endless brutal lies from politicians everywhere. Unfortunately, such lies on both sides of the Atlantic are going to get much worse.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


ted williams golden voice ted williams tailhook scandal sugar bowl score sugar bowl 2011

New viking knit project

Viking knit #4, originally uploaded by ambrosianbeads.

As with most of my projects, this one was actually started 6 months ago. I started beading the agate slab back in December...I had it sitting around and it just appealed to me to give it a peyote beaded edge. Today I'm hoping to give it the final touch of a the meantime, I worked on making a viking knit chain in black coated copper wire. I used 26 gauge wire and it worked out nicely in single weave, could've been too stiff in double. I always guess at the final length and stopped weaving at 11", hoping it would reach at least a comfortable choker length...well, lo and behold, it passed that length and I even have enough to make a bracelet. In this Flickr set, you can see the progression of "draws" (meaning each time I pulled it through the's what I call them, not sure if that's correct). Next after threading on the pendant, I will attempt to close off the ends with some copper caps and add a clasp...stay tuned for those pics !


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Woo-hoo ! I'm in the COCO MoCA

Conan Necklace, originally uploaded by ambrosianbeads.

My beaded Conan pendant got selected for the online gallery of artwork depicting Conan O'Brien and his various images and logos. Last summer I made a peyote stitched pendant (started off as a bracelet, but I procrastinated) and I wore it to the Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television tour that Conan did while he was off the air. Team Coco started a Flickr group for people's artwork (they totally stole that idea from me, I started my group first !) and selected different works in all media. There is a Facebook LIKE this page button for my piece, but the link is wrong. If you click it, you end up LIKING somebody else's piece ! Grrrr !


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Troika Demands 38 New Changes in Greek Tax, Spending and Wage Policies in Next 6 Days

The hit parade of demands on Greece keeps right on marching. The Troika has 38 new demands in addition to 10 pages of prior demands that have not been met.

The ten-page list of prior demands need to be met by the end of the month. Fortunately this is leap year so Greece gets an extra day.

The Financial Times reports Athens told to change spending and taxes.
European creditor countries are demanding 38 specific changes in Greek tax, spending and wage policies by the end of this month and have laid out extra reforms that amount to micromanaging the country?s government for two years, according to documents obtained by the Financial Times.

The reforms, spelt out in three separate memoranda of a combined 90 pages, are the price that Greece has agreed to pay to obtain a ?130bn second bail-out and avoid a sovereign default that the government feared would throw Greek society into turmoil.

They range from the sweeping ? overhauling judicial procedures, centralising health insurance, completing an accurate land registry ? to the mundane ? buying a new computer system for tax collectors, changing the way drugs are prescribed and setting minimum crude oil stocks.

?The programme is much, much more ambitious than economic reform,? said Mujtaba Rahman, Europe analyst at the Eurasia Group risk consultancy. ?This is state building, as typically understood in traditional low-income contexts.?

Most urgency is attached to a 10-page list of ?prior actions? that must be completed by Wednesday in order for eurozone finance ministers to give a final sign-off to the new bail-out at an emergency meeting scheduled for Thursday.

Among the measures that must be completed in the next seven days are reducing state spending on pharmaceuticals by ?1.1bn; completing 75 full-scale audits and 225 value added tax audits of large taxpayers; and liberalising professions such as beauty salons, tour guides and diet centres.
Demands Designed to Fail

The Troika demands 75 full-scale audits and 225 valued added tax audits in 6 days! Is that going to happen?

This setup is without a doubt designed to fail and that should have been obvious ever since Germany asked to put a commission in charge of the Greek budget on Feb 7. Please see  Greece to Cede Sovereignty to Eurozone "Budget Commissioner" for details.

These new demands are in addition to a requested a constitutional change that is impossible before 2013.

For details, please see Greece Needs New Constitutional Provision Imposed by the Troika; Slight Problem, Constitutionally It Can't Do it

It is possible some of the new demands need constitutional changes as well. I simply do not know.

Please also consider the Pact With the Devil Over Gold

As I have said repeatedly ...

Germany has put up roadblock after roadblock attempting to get Greece to scuttle the deal, only to have fools like Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos agree to them.

It may be up to Germany to come up with still more ludicrous demands in hope that the Greek finance minister and Greek politicians finally get the message "it's not wise to make a pact with the Troika devil", especially one that requires Greece to relinquish its gold.

On Tuesday I said it's a 9 Day Race to Ecstasy; Only Way Greece Can Win Is To Lose

It's now 6 and counting.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


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5 People and 1 Guitar = Viral Hit of the Week


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251 Weekly Lost Podcast ? The Last Recruit IR

Weekly Lost Podcast The Last Recruit IR Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I share our intial reaction to Season 6 Episode 13, “The Last Recruit.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for [...]


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VIDEO: Shit Artists Say


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Winter Winds

Mark Dignam and Brooke Annibale, accompanied by the Panther Hollow String Band, perform "Winter Winds" at the WYEP Holiday Hootenanny 2011 in Pittsburgh, Pa.

This concert features great local musicians who alway puts me in the holiday spirit.


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Summer in Brighton


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12 Ways to Make Space in Your Busy Daily Life for Art


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Not technically vintage

...but I've been enjoying this site for more stitch inspiration and patterns. Very cute!


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Misunderstanding "China's Sweatshop As Great Wall Starts Building Cars In Bulgaria"

ZeroHedge posted an interesting article called Europe Is Now China's Sweatshop As Great Wall Starts Building Cars In Bulgaria. Unfortunately the article contains many often repeated trade fallacies as well as numerous other errors.

ZH: "With China Forecast To Reach Wage Parity With The US In Five Years, Is A New Manufacturing Golden Age Coming To The US?"

Mish: China's wages are rising fast. Sometimes in leaps of 20%. From where? How sustainable is it? Please consider this snip from the Reuters article HP, Dell watch rising China labor costs for Apple written February 22, 2012:

"Taiwan-based Foxconn said the pay of a junior level worker in Shenzhen, southern China, had risen to 1,800 yuan ($290) per month and could be further raised above 2,200 yuan if the worker passed a technical examination. It said that pay three years ago was 900 yuan a month."

Let's do the math. $290 a month is $3,480 a year. Assume 20% annual wage hikes, once a year for 5 years. Should that happen, at the end of that time, the salary would be 8,659.35. US minimum wage is $7.25 an hour (not sure what it will be five years from now), but that is about $14,500 assuming a 40 hour work-week and 2 weeks unpaid vacation.

It would take 33% raises every year for five years just to match US wages. Is that likely?

Bear in mind that shipping costs and productivity issues are also in play. This is not simply a wage issue.

ZH: As Spiegel reports, carmaker "Great Wall this week became the first Chinese automobile manufacturer to open an automobile assembly plant inside the European Union in the latest move suggesting the country's carmakers are seeking to establish a beachhead into the European market." Yes, that's right: it is now cheaper for China to make cars in the European Union: "It used to be that European carmakers opened plants to assemble their cars in China. Now the Chinese have turned the tables with the opening of their first factory in Bulgaria, an EU country with low labor costs and taxes.

Mish: Is it really cheaper to build cars in Bulgaria, or is something fundamentally different happening? I suggest the latter, possibly both, but the latter point is critical. China is sitting on huge piles of forex resereves. Those reserves must return at some point. China can either buy goods from Europe, or it can invest in Europe. What better place to invest than in a country with low taxes and low labor costs? The Bulgarian Lev currency is pegged to the euro at ?1 = BGN 1.95583. Bulgaria is expected to join the Eurozone by 2015. Whether joining makes sense is debatable, but China sees an opportunity. China also has a need to put euro reserves to work. That need is a mathematical identity. By the way, this is likely a good deal for Bulgaria. It gets badly needed jobs.

ZH: Chinese carmakers are setting their sights on the European and American automobile markets." The ramifications of this landmark development are massive for virtually every aspect of the economy: for domestic labor migration, for inflation, for the trade balance, and certainly for US workers.

Mish: Agreed but for different reasons. This is a necessary part of global rebalancing.

ZH: Bulgaria, the EU's poorest country, is attractive as a labor market because it is an oasis of cheap wages and low taxes. Workers are considered well educated and the country is ideal as the site for a company like Great Wall to launch. Given that wages for factory workers have risen considerably in China in recent years, assembly sites abroad have become increasingly attractive for some manufacturers.

Mish: Exactly. So just how likely are those 33% annual raises for Chinese workers if the trend catches on? How likely are those 33% annual raises regardless?

ZH: So the real question is if Chinese wages can no longer compete with those in a poor EU member, just how high are they?

Mish: $290 a month for junior level workers and I will take a stab at not much higher for senior level workers.

ZH: And how long before China, for so many years a happy mercantilist importer of Bernanke's monetary inflation courtesy of its currency peg, is no longer competitive with ever growing parts of the EU, and then America? Does this mean that China's cheap labor force has pleateaued and the labor migration of peasants moving from the periphery to the cities no longer provides cheap labor? This was the topic of an extended analysis by SocGen from early January (posted here), of which the salient chart is presented below.

Mish: Is that alleged shortage of labor due to inflation and monetary stimulus in China or the US? How much Chinese labor goes into totally unaffordable projects driving up the price of labor? How much of the worker stagnation is simply do to falling export demand? I do not have the answers to those questions but there are multiple explanations for the alleged "shortage of labor". The single most likely explanation however, is unsustainable stimulus and growth, in China.

ZH: Aside from demographics, the macroeconomic implications on foreign trade and capital flows are monumental: most immediately for the US, it puts today's Wal Mart miss in a very different perspective, as it means that China is no longer the source of cheap commoditized produce, which in turn means that the entire discount retail vertical may have entered the secular sunsetting phase.

Mish: For a completely different viewpoint, and a deflationary one at that, please consider Hugh Hendry of Eclectica Discusses Hyperdeflation, Europe, China, and Japan.

ZH: Most importantly, it means that going forward China will have zero tolerance for Fed monetary expansion as any hot money will immediately set off an inflationary forest fire as China suddenly finds itself with absolutely no output gap slack (unlike America which allegedly has more than enough, even though it is really just a secular regression to the mean shift).

Mish: Most importantly, such events are a necessary part of global rebalancing. As a mathematical identity, China's hoard of euros must eventually return to Europe just as China's hoard of dollars must eventually return to the US. The sooner this happens the better. The US and Europe should both embrace Chinese investment. Unfortunately, that is highly unlikely.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


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What Were People Searching for on YouTube During the Game?


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239 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Recon Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Recon Initial Reaction Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 8, “Recon.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your call 24hrs [...]


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239 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Recon Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Recon Initial Reaction Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 8, “Recon.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your call 24hrs [...]


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Troika Demands 38 New Changes in Greek Tax, Spending and Wage Policies in Next 6 Days

The hit parade of demands on Greece keeps right on marching. The Troika has 38 new demands in addition to 10 pages of prior demands that have not been met.

The ten-page list of prior demands need to be met by the end of the month. Fortunately this is leap year so Greece gets an extra day.

The Financial Times reports Athens told to change spending and taxes.
European creditor countries are demanding 38 specific changes in Greek tax, spending and wage policies by the end of this month and have laid out extra reforms that amount to micromanaging the country?s government for two years, according to documents obtained by the Financial Times.

The reforms, spelt out in three separate memoranda of a combined 90 pages, are the price that Greece has agreed to pay to obtain a ?130bn second bail-out and avoid a sovereign default that the government feared would throw Greek society into turmoil.

They range from the sweeping ? overhauling judicial procedures, centralising health insurance, completing an accurate land registry ? to the mundane ? buying a new computer system for tax collectors, changing the way drugs are prescribed and setting minimum crude oil stocks.

?The programme is much, much more ambitious than economic reform,? said Mujtaba Rahman, Europe analyst at the Eurasia Group risk consultancy. ?This is state building, as typically understood in traditional low-income contexts.?

Most urgency is attached to a 10-page list of ?prior actions? that must be completed by Wednesday in order for eurozone finance ministers to give a final sign-off to the new bail-out at an emergency meeting scheduled for Thursday.

Among the measures that must be completed in the next seven days are reducing state spending on pharmaceuticals by ?1.1bn; completing 75 full-scale audits and 225 value added tax audits of large taxpayers; and liberalising professions such as beauty salons, tour guides and diet centres.
Demands Designed to Fail

The Troika demands 75 full-scale audits and 225 valued added tax audits in 6 days! Is that going to happen?

This setup is without a doubt designed to fail and that should have been obvious ever since Germany asked to put a commission in charge of the Greek budget on Feb 7. Please see  Greece to Cede Sovereignty to Eurozone "Budget Commissioner" for details.

These new demands are in addition to a requested a constitutional change that is impossible before 2013.

For details, please see Greece Needs New Constitutional Provision Imposed by the Troika; Slight Problem, Constitutionally It Can't Do it

It is possible some of the new demands need constitutional changes as well. I simply do not know.

Please also consider the Pact With the Devil Over Gold

As I have said repeatedly ...

Germany has put up roadblock after roadblock attempting to get Greece to scuttle the deal, only to have fools like Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos agree to them.

It may be up to Germany to come up with still more ludicrous demands in hope that the Greek finance minister and Greek politicians finally get the message "it's not wise to make a pact with the Troika devil", especially one that requires Greece to relinquish its gold.

On Tuesday I said it's a 9 Day Race to Ecstasy; Only Way Greece Can Win Is To Lose

It's now 6 and counting.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


omaha school shooting omaha news ohio state vs arkansas obamacare oasdi

A gunner's survival in Nazi territory

Alex Antanovich Jr. is shown at a World War II unit reunion decades after his incredible wartime survival story.

By Scott Beveridge

Allied air assaults over France and Germany during World War II were seeing their greatest successes in the last week of May 1944.

The daylight bombing raids were targeting strategic German-held railroads to cut off enemy supply lines, while others were pounding the French coast to drive back enemy forces.

Nearly one thousand heavy bombers were flying the missions that also were aimed at airfields and chemical and fuel stations.

The B-24 Liberator, LONI, carrying a crew of nine, however, did not fare so well. It crashed on May 30, 1944, near Rheine, Germany, after three of its four engines failed and the entire crew had bailed from the plane.

Eight crew members were captured and held by the Nazis as prisoners of war.

Meanwhile, U. S. Army Air Force Sergeant Alex Antanovich Jr. of Cokeburg, Pa., evaded capture.

He would be led by civilians to members of the antiwar movement in Holland, where he was fed, clothed, and sheltered for the next ten months.

?I was in constant fear,? said Antanovich, recalling his story that had the makings of a suspenseful war novel.

His plane had taken off that day at 6:53 a.m. from Mendlesham, England, carrying fifteen, five hundred pound bombs.

More than eighteen thousand B-24s, their wingspans spreading a 110 feet wide, had been produced in Detroit, Michigan, by Consolidated Aircraft Corporation for the war effort.

They created the largest air fleet of its kind at the time.

Antanovich, who was then 21 years old, had been trained to fire all of the plane?s ten machine guns. World War II bombing crews faced some of the worst dangers in combat.

?They were shooting at us,? he said, while discussing his military experiences when he was eighty-two years old.

?You could lose your life on takeoff. You?re loaded down to capacity. There?s no place to hide.?

He had received his training at Blythe Army Air Base in California. His crew used LONI to fly to England, following a route over Florida, South America, Africa, and Wales.

The crew called itself the League of Nations Inc. because its members all hailed from different ethnic backgrounds.

They gave the plane its identity by combining the first letters of the crew?s nickname.

Antanovich entertained himself on the flights to England by watching the lights in the cities at night.

?I was going to fight a war.?

Little else was on his mind.

He had only been in England for a month and on four previous missions to Germany when his plane crashed.

It dipped from formation with two of its engines smoking before it reached its primary target.

Other members of the 34th Bombing Group flying in nearby planes then lost sight of LONI; no one reported seeing any parachutes. The sixty-six-foot-long plane?s legacy was cut short before an artist had the time to paint its name on its side.

?When the pilot said to bail out, I was in the tail of the plane. The pilot said to throw stuff out to lighten the load. A short time later, the tail gunner who stayed on the intercom said: ?Bail out,? and away he went.?

Antanovich was afraid to jump from the plane, having never done so before during his military training.

?Why jump if you may never have to??

Being the last one left in the tail of the plane, Antanovich looked over the bomb bay to see what the pilot and copilot were doing, hoping they were gaining control of the flight.

The copilot was readying for his jump, and Antanovich knew he had no choice but to do the same thing.

?I went to the Lord.?

He believed in God, but was not an especially religious soldier.

?I asked the Lord for help. I got a warm feeling over my body. I walked right over to that escape hatch and away I went. I lost my fear.?

Over the course of the next several days, nearly everything Antanovich did  went against what he was taught to do in the event he became missing in action.

When he regained his bearings on the ground, he realized he had become separated from his crew.

He had been told to run in such a situation, and to keep on the move for twenty-four hours.

?I went deeper into the woods and covered my parachute and started running.?

He came upon a house, and went in another direction, only to spot another.  At that point, he went into the thicket and decided to attempt sleep.

?I thought, ?Where am I going to run to?' If I kept running, I could have gotten killed.?

Several hours later, he awoke to the sound of a boy pumping water and decided to start walking again.

He found himself back where he hit the ground and hid the parachute. He made the right move because he stumbled upon a friendly stranger while walking across a bicycle path. He whistled to get the man?s attention, asking him in French if he spoke that language.

The man shook his head, no.

Antanovich then asked him if he spoke English, and again, the man shook his head, no.

Antanovich pulled out a pocketbook that was part of his survival kit and designed to translate English phrases into the German language.

He used it to inform the stranger that he was hungry, and in exchange, was given a handful of sugar.

He also learned he was near Rheine, Germany, after showing the stranger one of the maps from the gear he carried. He was forty miles west of his B-24?s target and twenty miles east of Germany?s border with Holland.

?I said: ?I?m American."

The stranger, who turned out to be a Prussian, then flapped his arms in the air as a signal that he understood Antanovich was an airman.

The man then pointed Antanovich in the direction of German-held Holland.

Antanovich set his compass and walked the remainder of the day and well into the night.

Tired and weary after nightfall, he decided to make a bed of pine needles under a tall pine tree, where he slept his first night in Germany.

Antanovich was unarmed. He understood that German troops were killing American soldiers on sight because the country was quickly depleting it resources.

The Germans barely had enough supplies to care for their own soldiers. He had no idea just how much danger he was facing on his first full day in enemy territory.

That same day, one of Hitler?s shadow men, the Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, approved criminal combat methods under a German lynch law.

By doing so, Bormann gave his seal of approval to mob justice, instructing German civilians to kill any Allied soldiers they encountered.

The next morning, Antanovich came upon railroad tracks and decided to follow them straight toward Holland.

That could have been seen as a mistake, as well, because German soldiers were guarding the rail lines. He ducked for cover into the woods upon spotting a man in the distance.

That was when he stumbled upon a man and woman milking cows, a couple who helped him to reach safer quarters.

?I said I was an American and I was hungry.?

The couple gave him a sandwich; his only food in two days. They took him to to a house and introduced him to an English-speaking woman.

?She said: ?I know a man who knows a man who knows where to find the underground.??

The woman made a telephone call before escorting him by bicycle to a crossroads to meet another contact.

?She said she didn?t want to see him or him to see her.?

His survival kit also contained silk maps of Holland, France, Spain, and Belgium, as well as three cigarettes.

He had been advised to hold on to his belongings. But instead, he gave everything away to those who helped him along his way, except the maps of Holland and Belgium.

?Anything I had they asked for, I gave it to them,? he said. ?I had a full pack of Camels. They told us not to smoke American tobacco because it was sweeter smelling and (the enemy would) recognize it.?

He even shed his Army Air Force uniform for civilian clothes as a disguise after reaching the underground.

His journey eventually took him to the home of Otto and Elisabeth Montagne on the outskirts of Hengelo, Holland.

They were among many anti-Nazi couples in that area who secretly shielded Allied soldiers who became separated from their units.

Their visitors usually stayed in their home for three or four days until plans were made to return them to England, through France, Spain, and Portugal. Spain temporarily held such MIAs as illegal immigrants before sending them to Portugal and England, Antanovich was told.

That escape route, however, was closed after Allied forces stormed Normandy, beginning June 6, 1944, in what became the largest amphibious invasion in history.

Antanovich?s parents, Alex and Mary, received word on June 16, 1944, from the War Department that their son was missing in action.

His younger brother, John, was part of an Army Air Force B-17 flight crew serving in the United States.

During his time in Holland, Antanovich was hidden in 16 different houses; some for a few hours and others for a month or two.

He found himself sandwiched under trapdoors on occasions when German troops searched from house to house, looking for railroad workers to help them reopen supply routes.

The Montagnes shared their home with him and three other soldiers for seven months.

Mrs. Montagne provided them with clothing from a nearby textile factory, giving them identical dark blue shirts with vertical stripes to identify them to others involved in the antiwar movement.

The men even wore wooden shoes and distinguishing hairstyles and mustaches to appear as local residents.

Mrs. Montagne often walked with a cart great distances to gather enough food to feed her guests.

Food was being rationed, and each house was permitted to use electric lights for one hour a day. Two rabbits from the barn provided dinner for Christmas, a meal that also included cheese crackers and pudding.

Antanovich and his companions lived out their long days in boredom, either reading, holding conversations, or learning to speak Dutch.

They sometimes occupied their time by playing games of Battleship, using scraps of numbered paper as game pieces, or singing songs around a piano.

The Dutch liberation effort, meanwhile, began to intensify by March 1945.

Resistance fighters ambushed Nazi General Hans Ratter on March 6, 1945, and more than one hundred Dutchmen were killed in retribution two days later.

Antanovich spent that month hiding in a hut in the woods with an armed member of the Canadian Royal Air Force.

Hitler?s army was under attack from all fronts.

?You could hear the gunfire getting close,? Antanovich said.

By the end of the month, Allied forces were racing across collapsed German defenses. On April 1, 1945, they had German troops surrounded in the Ruhr basin, while British troops rolled into Hengelo that same day.

Antanovich was rescued by members of the Welsh Guard after walking arm-in-arm to freedom with a young Dutch woman.

He was taken to the Guard?s headquarters in Brussels before being sent to a U.S. military facility in Paris, France.

?I had no identification.?

He was later returned to England to be identified by members of his bombing group, only to find all of his possessions gone.

To his relief, he was told the other members of his air crew had survived German prison camps.

On April 24, 1945, his mother was told by the military that he was returned to active duty and being rotated back to the United States.

Following the war, Antanovich went home to rural Washington County and married the former Betty Porter. The couple had two sons, Alex and David, who died in childhood, and a daughter, Yvonne.

He worked as a coal miner in Beth-Energy Corporation?s Cokeburg Mine, from which he retired in 1985 after working in the coalfields for twenty-four years.

He said it was amazing to be part of such a great generation, one that witnessed serious hardships and major triumphs.

?The men of today will never compete with, compare with what we went through. We went through the Great Depression. We saw the TV come in. When I was a kid, farmers were working with horses ... the doctor would come in a horse and buggy.?

Antanovich also began attending church after returning home from the war.

One day while reading the Bible, he came upon a verse in Psalms that states: ?I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.?

He said those words offered him the best explanation for his surviving such a dangerous, incredible experience during the war.

(This story was written for a 2005 oral history project at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh.)


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It's always summer in Provence

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Vergeze, a small village in the South of France


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Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012

199 Weekly Lost Podcast ? LeFleur Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Ep 199 – Season 5 Ep 8 – LeFleur Click Here To Download Wondering where episodes 197, and 198 are? We release a few episodes of the Weekly Lost Podcast in the free feed each month. However, our Plus Members get every single episode of this podcast and all our podcasts. [...]


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Batteries | Recharge your phone by breathing through a mask

Charge Your iPhone With Your Own Breath "This concept design was created by Joao Paulo Lammoglia that utilizes the power of your breath to convert into electricity via small wind turbines. The user simply wears the AIRE mask hooked up to an iOS device, and by breathing into the mask, the gadget is able to [...]


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Old, fragile glass Christmas ornaments fetch high prices

This antique German Christmas ornament can be yours for $120 at a Washington, Pa., antiques and collectibles mall. (Scott Beveridge/Observer-Reporter)

By Scott Beveridge

WASHINGTON, Pa. ? Pennsylvania's famous five-and-dime retailer F.W. Woolworth single-handedly defined the decor of the American Christmas tree on a lark.

He purchased a $25 box of German blown-glass ornaments in the 1880s to see if they would sell in one of his stores, only to witness them disappear in two days.

He went on to make a substantial fortune of $25 million by importing and selling the ornaments produced in Lauscha, Germany, inexpensively and mostly one at a time, according to the 2004 book, "Pictorial Guide to Christmas Ornaments & Collectibles."

"Then after World War II no one wanted to buy from Germany," said John Taylor, a Peters Township, Pa., antiques dealer of collectible Christmas ornaments.

Today, glass ornaments made in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s are highly collectible, and sell for as much $500 apiece.

Taylor has one such hand-painted decoration shaped like a clown selling for $120 at Black Rose Antiques & Collectibles in Washington Crown Center mall in North Franklin Township.

"They are so expensive because they are so fragile," Taylor said.

Buyers at auctions have been known to pay $20, he said, for one of the ornaments, even when half of it is broken.

"I'm seeing some crazy things."

These ornaments are rare, "hot items" for a number of reasons, said Inez Gilotty, owner of Main Street Antiques in Monongahela.

"So many get broken. Collectors are picking them up," she said, adding that many relatives keep them when estates are being settled.

"It's very slim pickings. We're not even finding them in houses now," Gilotty said.

Those who are now dying in their 70s and 80s, she said, leave behind Christmas decorations they collected in the 1950s, such things as large, red, plastic bells with lights and aluminum Christmas trees. And those items also are highly collectible.

"They are looking for something like Grandma had," said another Peters Township dealer, Jim Kairys, who has been selling Christmas ornaments at Canonsburg Antique Mall.

"Christmas sells year-round," Taylor added.

America really has the town of Lauscha to thank for antique glass ornaments, Kairys said, because it once was known as the glass Christmas ornament "world capital."

It produced 95 percent of these decorations sold around the globe until 1940, when the war decimated much of Germany.

The town's glassmakers originally made kugels, or large glass ball window decorations, witch balls and garden panoramas. Someone eventually suggested they would look good, much smaller, hanging on candlelit Christmas trees, Kairys said, drawing reference from "Pictorial Guide to Christmas Ornaments & Collectibles."

The first known order for such Christmas tree kugels arrived in 1848.

"A lot of this stuff had mercury in it to make colored glass," Taylor said. "The coloring is on the inside. Just don't drink from them."

(This article first appeared in the November/December 2011 Living Washington County magazine published by the Observer-Reporter)


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Retro kitchen delights

For as long as I can remember I've had a real weakness for retro/vintage crockery. Left to my own devices and without thought or care for life essentials such as food, bills and rent, I could quite happily part with significant chunks of my budget on more vintage kitchen accessories than I could possibly ever hope to use in a lifetime.

I guess part of my love of pieces such as these is the sense of childhood nostalgia they evoke. The colours, patterns and images prevalent in pieces by Hornsea, Staffordshire,Denby, Turi Gramstad Oliver and the like are a tangible link to grandmothers china cabinets, fathers mugs, old storybooks. It is a style and form of artwork that must have imprinted on me at an early age, and that I still respond to with a feeling of lighthearted joy.
It is with no small measure on happiness that I can claim not to remember the last time I bought a 'new' item of crockery, and that my kitchen shelves are bursting with a mismatched assortment of flea market finds.
I plan to start experimenting with some of these design elements in a series of sketches/collages soon.

1. Ceramic pestle and mortar,2.Creamer,3.Pots,4.Owly tea,
5.Tea for 3,6.? 7. Hornsea mug collection, 8. Hornsea mugs ,9.?

Apologies for the couple I forgot to make note of....

Loads more amazing finds in this groups:
and this blog


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