Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

224 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Flashbacks Part 06

Weekly Lost Podcast Flashbacks Part 06 Click Here To Download In this episode, Cliff and Stephanie go back into the archives and share commentary regarding things that were said back in Episode 009 of the Weekly Lost Podcast that covered “The Long Con.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s [...]


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You wonder how we ever survived.....

(Photo by Katie Roupe, Observer-Reporter)
By Scott Beveridge

One of our photographers at the Observer-Reporter last week was telling two writers, including myself, she had been criticized by a reader for taking a photo of two children riding bicycles without helmets on a residential sidewalk.

?You wonder how we ever survived,? responded a 50-something colleague, recalling how we never wore such head gear while riding bikes as children.

After thinking about it, though, we laughed and then agreed we likely have a bit of brain damage from suffering many bumps and bruises during childhood accidents.

We came from an era when many parents also smoked cigarettes around their kids without any concern about the health affects of second-hand smoke.

I took the conversation to a higher extreme by saying I grew up in the 1960s surrounded by steelworkers, most of whom could belt back boilermakers with the same ease it took them to down glasses of water.

Many of our parents never batted an eyelid while stuffing as many as 10 kids in the back of a station wagon before taking off for a two-hour drive with a stinking drunk dad behind the wheel.

Needless to say we began those road trips from the Monongahela River Valley, a southwestern Pennsylvania landscape peppered with blast furnaces spewing filthy smoke into the air.

We didn?t have smoke detectors in our houses or seat belts, let alone child safety or booster seats to protect young children in cars.

Hell. Frozen pizzas back then came on disposable asbestos cooking sheets. We kids used to stand around the stove and tear those pans apart, daring them to set aflame over the kitchen stove's gas burners.

We also went to learn in Fellsburg, Pa., at Lebanon Elementary School, whose floors were tarred with asbestos tiles and walls were layered with thick coats of pea-green World War II surplus lead paint. I swear my eyes still hurt from having spent endless hours staring at those ugly walls.

Speaking of school, my mother today might be in jail, facing Children and Youth Services for the way in which she sometimes sent us hitchhiking to school when we missed the bus during junior and senior high.

Yet she never permitted my brothers or me out the front door in the morning on school days without our repeating the phrase, "Please God watch over me." If one of us forgot, to the door she ran shouting, "Get your $@*! ass back up her and say it." As a working mom in an era when that wasn't cool, I think it was a crutch she held onto while feeling helpless to protect us at her office.

Certainly I?m not advocating the return to those dangerous carefree ways of the past, even though I still refuse to wear a helmet while riding my bicycle on the trail.

I confess to worrying at times about the affects of cell phone radiation levels and forgetting that it?s illegal now in this state to text while driving.

Like a good citizen I buckle up before putting my Ford sedan in gear and also remember to change the battery once a year in the smoke detector outside my bedroom door at home.

If there are two things that two decades of chasing spot news for this newspaper have taught me are those devices almost always save lives.

But come on. Those cute kids in the photo, above, are riding with training wheels.


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Sensors | Softbank phone for Japan detects radiation

Softbank launches a Sharp smartphone that detects radiation ?Softbank’s Pantone 5 smartphone contains chips made by Sharp to detect radiation in microsieverts per hour. The phone also keeps track of radiation levels in different areas the user has visited. The firm’s Pantone 5 smartphone comes over a year after an earthquake and tsunami crippled the [...]


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Play | Speaker on a swing plays timed noises. Solar powered.

Solar-powered device turns children?s swings into a game of set challenges ?the device is a semi-spherical sensor and speaker kit, which produces noises depending on the swinging pattern of the user. Based on the idea that sound boosts children?s imaginations, the device can be attached to the rope of any swing in order to gamify [...]


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Superior 140 : 7 kitten motifs

It's time for some DOW tea towels. I love to stitch a kitteh, and these ones are so sweet they will give you the proverbial toothache! Little kittys doing household tasks, we can never get enough of them. Neither it seems could Superior brand transfers, for I have a lot of transfers from that particular company that feature cats.

Kitty is ironing, hanging out the washing (wearing roller skates no less), singing at church, sweeping the floor, mending clothes, having a tea party, and on a tricycle doing the shopping. All the time she has a little friend doggy or a stuffed toy to help her. The relationship between cats and dogs in transfer-land always amuses me, as it has little relation to real life cat-dog interaction. Unless of course, in this transfer below, the doggy is about to come and nip her on her posterior. That would be like my animals - Lola can't see a cat bottom go past without chasing it.

Of course, like all good homemakers, she's providing tea for all (that's one of my founding principles, "tea for all") and little stuffed teddy, kitty and bunny are happy to play along. As the pattern says, these are meant to be for days-of-the-week towels, but they'd look cute on children's quilts or bed linen as well. Whilst I don't want to muscle in on the Vogart hyperbole, in my opinion:
These darling designs are quick and easy to sew, and a choice of gay, bright colours will make your towels come alive and add fun to your modern kitchen. Children will love their own towels stitched with Miss Kitten and her friends, and a set will make washing hands no longer a chore! Just stitch these designs and instantly you will become more attractive, and they will bring good fortune and friends into your life. Your home will be beautiful, your children, beaming with health, rosy cheeked and perfectly scrubbed and well behaved, and your husband will cherish the perfect homemaker that he married.
Ooops, think I'm getting carried away now.... help me!......argh....


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199 Weekly Lost Podcast ? LeFleur Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Ep 199 – Season 5 Ep 8 – LeFleur Click Here To Download Wondering where episodes 197, and 198 are? We release a few episodes of the Weekly Lost Podcast in the free feed each month. However, our Plus Members get every single episode of this podcast and all our podcasts. [...]


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A Little Space, a Little Time...


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Merkel's 6-Point Plan to Save Europe; Merkel Backed Into Tight Corner: Social Democrats Threaten to Not Ratify Merkozy Treaty Without Growth Measures; Merkel Coalition at Risk

It would be quite ironic and rather fitting if Germany and France fail to ratify the Merkozy treaty. 25 Nations have ratified the treaty but France and Germany still have not.

French president Francois Hollande has already threatened non-ratification unless the treaty is revised.

The Leader of the Social Democrat Party (SPD)in Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, is making similar threats for the first time.

Effectively chancellor Merkel is painted into a huge corner with no wiggle room. "I guarantee you, there will only be a fiscal pact if it includes complementary growth elements," Steinmeier said.

Specifically, Steinmeier wants a financial transaction tax, expansion of loan volume to the European Investment Bank, and a nebulous "strengthening of investment power".

Steinmeier also called for the creation of a European debt repayment fund. He said that euro bonds could only be introduced "if they come with strict conditions and we have harmonized European economic and finance policy."

Merkel needs those SPD votes because treaty ratification takes a two-thirds majority in the Bundestag, Germany's parliament.

Merkel's 6-Point Plan to Save Europe

Backed into a corner, Berlin Proposes European Special Economic Zones.
With Europe beginning to look for alternatives to its exclusive focus on austerity, the German government has developed a six-point plan to foster economic growth in Europe, SPIEGEL has learned. Included in the proposal is the creation of special economic zones in struggling euro-zone countries.

The proposal is part of a six-point plan the German government plans to introduce into the discussion on measures to stimulate economic growth taking place in the European Union. The proposal also calls for the countries to set up trusts similar to the Treuhand trust created in Germany at the time of reunification that then sold old off most of former East Germany's state-owned enterprises in order to divest those countries' numerous government-owned companies.

The plan also calls for the countries to adopt Germany's dual education system, which combines a standardized practical education at a vocational school with an apprenticeship in the same field at a company in order to combat high youth unemployment.

The plan recommends that countries with high unemployment also adopt reforms undertaken by Germany, including a loosening of provisions that make it difficult to fire permanent employees and to create employment relationships with lower tax burdens and social security contributions.
Too Little Too Late

Some of those ideas seem quite reasonable. However, haven't they been agreed to before?

How many times has Greece promised work-rule reform only to see nothing happening? Spain has not done much either. Nor has Italy.

Merkel Coalition at Risk

At every juncture, Merkel is increasing backed into a corner - by French President Francois Hollande, by ECB president Mario Draghi who sides with Hollande, by Mario Monti, Prime Minister of Italy, and now by the SPD.

As I see the demands, I fail to see how the 6-point proposal comes close to what SPD wants.

Here is the key question: Will the plan satisfy Social Democrats? If not, Merkel's coalition government itself is at risk. 

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


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Near the Tour de Hassan, Rabat Morocco


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Tributes: Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'


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Tales told by Titanic survivors from Pennsylvania

The Titanic prior to its deadly voyage a century ago.

By Scott Beveridge

MONESSEN, Pa. ? Survivors of the Titanic interviewed by local newspapers a century ago told stories every bit as dramatic as the Oscar-winning movie, which will be rereleased in 3D Friday

Mrs. John Panula of Coal Center, Pa., had a much more tragic story to tell than young Rose, a role in the movie played by Kate Winslet, who was passed over for best actress in the 1998 Oscars.

Mrs. Panula and her children had returned in 1910 to Finland to sell off family real estate to purchase a new home for her family in Coal Center. She survived the ship's sinking but her five children, who were between the ages of 1 and 17, were buried in the depths of the sea, The Reporter of Washington reported April 23, 1912.

She was among five Finlanders aboard the doomed Titanic who made it to Monessen, Westmoreland County, eight days after being rescued at sea.

The mother, who also was identified in the newspaper as Mrs. Peter Panula, had little to say in the article. About half of the $4,000 raised in the property sale went down with the Titanic, she told a reporter

"She could scarcely remember how she lost her five children...she was unconscious for a time but states she rallied in time to see the Titanic go down," the newspaper reported.

Another member of the party, Ellen Ajkarainer, said she saw men don women's clothing to secure places on lifeboats.

The five Finlanders were among a party of 45 from that country headed for the United States, but only 20 were listed among the Titanic's 711 survivors.

Another survivor from the group, Eino Lindquist, had the most thrilling story to relate, The Independent of Monessen reported.

Lindquist said waves washed him into the ocean just before the ship sank and he said good-bye to his companion, Mr. Hakkarainen.

"Being a fairly good swimmer, I exerted myself to the utmost and was able to reach the last lifeboat which was about 200 yards from where the ship went down and was taken on board," Lindquist, who was about 25 at the time, told the former Monessen newspaper.

Before the ship went under water, he said he watched the last lifeboat put off and "many men make a vain effort to find a place on it, but they were clubbed by sailors in charge and some fell to a watery grave before the ship took its final plunge." The band was not playing until the very end, as was reported at the time, he stated.

There were numerous false reports in local newspapers in the days after the ship sank about 2:20 a.m. April 15, 1912.

A day after the Titanic sank, the first report in The Reporter in Washington had all passengers surviving and the great ship being towed to Halifax, Canada.

"The Titanic is practically unsinkable...of such construction that she is virtually indestructible and would float indefinitely even with her bow smashed," P.A. Franklin, vice president of the company that owned the ship, was quoted as saying in the former newspaper's April 15, 1912, afternoon edition.

The headline on the front-page story published about 12 hours after the vessel sank and buried 1,513 people at sea read: "All of her passengers were taken off in lifeboats."

A day later, the newspaper wrongly reported that no men had survived the tragedy. The death toll also changed daily.

The means of communication at the time was primitive and it was common for news stories to change from minute to minute, said Alan Natali, an assistant professor of English at California University of Pennsylvania.

"There was a tendency at that time to fill column inches, even if that reporter had to make that information up," Natali said.

He said reporters had to wait for the survivors to make it home before learning more about what happened when the Titanic struck the iceberg just before midnight April 14, 1912, about 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada.

The other survivors who made it to Monessen were listed as Mrs. Mathew Hirvonen, her daughter, Hilda, and Eric Jussila.

(This story has been edited since it first appeared in 1998 in the Observer-Reporter.)


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Announcing My Very First Online Classes!


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TUTORIAL: The Best Color Mixing Trick I Learned in Art School


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201 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Young Ben Interview

Weekly Lost Podcast Season 5 Episode 9 Young Ben Interview Click Here To Download Wondering where episodes 197 and 198 are? We release a few episodes of the Weekly Lost Podcast in the free feed each month. However, our Plus Members get every single episode of this podcast and all our podcasts. To find [...]


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For the land where it's a great travesty
To harm a stork's nest in a pear tree,
For storks serve us all...
I am homesick, Lord!...

Cyprian Kamil Norwid


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Turquoise Agate Pendant Necklace

Here's a little pendant that needed a chain. I used Wildfire thread and had SOOO much trouble getting the last few stitches through the beads the more than once. Arrgh !


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233 Weekly Lost Podcast ? The Substitute Review

Weekly Lost Podcast The Substitute Review Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I do the weekend review of Season 6 Episode 4 of Lost! Complete show notes for this episode’s weekend review can be found at Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready [...]


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Spain's Bankrupt Catalonia Region "Running Out of Options" to Refinance ?13 Billion; Total Regional Needs are ?50.7 Billion; Regions Want "Open Bar" with Central Bank Guarantees

The crisis in Spain is rapidly coming to a head. This crisis has nothing to do with Greek "contagion" as is widely believed. Spain dug this hole by itself.

Spain's immediate unsolvable problems are a bankrupt banking system coupled with bankrupt regions that have no way to pay bills.

Spain's regional governments need to roll ?35.7 billion and there is current deficit of ?15 billion.

The president of Spain's Catalonia Region said it faces refinancing needs of ?13 billion and is "running out of options refinance its debt".

Catalonia accounts for about one fifth of the Spanish economy.

Moreover, Spain's Valencia region set off alarm bells on a six-month ?19 billion bond issue because it may be forced to pay a 7% return, more than two points above what Greece is paying for their junk bonds.

Regions Want "Open Bar" with Central Bank Guarantees

Let's not mince words. Spanish regional governments are clearly and undeniably bankrupt. It should come as no surprise that the regional governments have asked the central government for "an open bar, meaning that the state allows the joint issuance of debt with the guarantee explicit regional treasury, and without demand conditions change, allowing them access to cheaper financing. The matter was discussed again at the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy last Thursday.

The above story was pieced together with help of Google translate and the following articles:

The rescue of Catalonia and market nerves about Spain

In Guindos wants to keep money in advance to the CCAA

The problem for Spain is if it guarantees regional debt (the term used for this is "Hispabonos") then the credit rating of Spain will drop and all of Spain's borrowing costs will rise.

Bankruptcy, default, and an exit of the eurozone coupled with work-rule and pension reform is the only realistic solution.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


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249 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Interview ? Francois Chau aka Dr Pierre Chang

Weekly Lost Podcast Interview with François Chau aka Dr Pierre Chang Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download Stephanie and I had the awesome privilege of interviewing François Chau who plays Dr. Pierre Chang on abc’s LOST. Special thank you to each of you who submitted questions for [...]


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194 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Review of This Place Is Death

Weekly Lost Podcast Ep 194 – Season 5 Ep 5 – This Place Is Death Click Here To Download Wondering where episodes 189, 190, 191, 192 and 193 are? We release a few episodes of the Weekly Lost Podcast in the free feed each month. However, our Plus Members get every single episode of [...]


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Unlikely Musical Instruments: Floppy Disk Drives


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Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

Sports | Babolat tennis racket tracks your playing motion

Rafael Nadal demonstrates Babolat Play & Connect interactive tennis racquet ?The Babolat Play & Connect interactive tennis racquet is designed to look and feel like any other from the French sporting manufacturer, but its handle is packed with sensors and electronics which record data about a player’s game and allow users to analyze their performance [...]


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Happy New Year!


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11 Questions


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Big in India: The Singapore JK Wedding Dance?


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Spexit Before Grexit? Six Reasons Spain Will Leave the Euro First

Interest rates on the 10-Year Spanish bond touched 6.7% today after the ECB shot down prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's Ponzi plan to recapitalize banks.

The Spanish banking condition is in such precarious shape that Matthew Lynn of Strategy Economics proposed 'Spexit' Will Come Before a 'Grexit'.
?The euro debt crisis, like any really spectacular geo-economic event, is spawning its own special vocabulary? said Matthew Lynn of Strategy Economics on Wednesday.

We can now add Spexit to a list which includes Merkozy and Grexit, and Lynn believes the chances of Spain leaving the euro are now higher than those of Greece leaving.

?The Spanish are a lot more likely to pull out of the euro than the Greeks, or indeed any of the peripheral countries? said Lynn.

?They are too big to rescue, they have no political hang-ups about rupturing their relations with the European Union, they are already fed up with austerity, and there is a bigger Spanish-speaking world for them to grow into,? said Lynn.

?One in four Spanish households now have no bread-winner. Retail sales are falling 10 percent year-on-year. Yet the prescription from Brussels and Berlin is precisely the same as it has been for every other country struggling with the euro. Endure a deep recession. Let unemployment rise. Allow wages to fall until you claw back competitiveness," he said.
6 Reasons Spain Will Leave the Euro First

On MarketWatch Matthew Lynn gives 6 Reasons Spain Will Leave the Euro First.
The Grexit, short for Greece finally giving up on the single currency, has been trending for the last few weeks. And coming up next: the Spexit.

In Greece, people have just about put up with it ? until now. So have the Irish, the Portuguese, and the Italians. The Spanish won?t. Here?s why.

One: Spain is too big to rescue.

Two: Spain has tired of austerity already. Remember, the protests against cuts began in Madrid a year ago with the ?indignados? movement, which started sit-ins across major cities in 2011. The protests spread from there to Greece, and other euro-zone countries. The austerity had hardly even begun, yet already it has provoked strong opposition.

Three: Spain has a real economy. The Greeks understandably feel nervous about life outside the euro zone. They don?t really make anything. Spain is a successful economy with a perfectly respectable industrial base ? its export to GDP ratio is 26%, similar to the U.K., France or Italy. Only last week the Japanese car-maker Nissan announced a major new investment there.

Four: Spain is politically secure. For many countries, euro membership is more about politics than economics. The Greeks stay in because it locks them into Europe (rather than being part of the Turkish sphere of influence). Latvia wanted in because it made it part of the EU rather than being dominated by Russia. For the Irish, it is about separating themselves from Britain. The Germans stick with the euro because the EU still represents a break with its troubled past.

Five: Spain has bigger horizons. The Spanish economy looks partly to Europe. But it looks just as much to the booming Spanish-speaking economies of Latin America (and indeed the huge Hispanic market in the U.S.). Rather like the U.K., Spanish business has always looked to the global rather than the European market. Why tie yourself to a failing project when there are much bigger opportunities out there?

Six: The debate has already started. There is already a serious discussion underway in Spain about the future of the currency. Plenty of mainstream economists and pundits are arguing that the real problem is the euro, and Spain will only recover once it gets the peseta back. The taboo has been broken. That isn?t true in Greece, where even the far-left Syriza party still clings to the idea that it should stay in the euro.
Debate in Spain

Proving point number six above, El Economista picked up on the story in Comes Spexit: Spain's Euro exit before Greece?

If prime minister Rajoy refuses a bailout by the Troika, what other options does Spain have? Is another puppet government like we saw in Greece and Italy coming up?

The sooner Spain sees the light and gets out of the euro that is strangling it, the better off Spain will be.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


disney dream deanna pappas dead birds and fish in arkansas dead birds and fish darius rucker

Wilted retail

This dry water garden can be found inside Washington Mall in Washington, Pa., which is still open with just a handful of retailers. Click here to view a slideshow of other decay that I have photographed in my travels.


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Sound | System lets a restaurant manager manage environmental noise

Ex-Phish Manager Creates System For Shushing Noisy Restaurants With the Meyer system, you can augment the acoustics of a restaurant just as you would those of a live performance. You can make the space loud on a Friday night, and quiet on Sunday afternoon. You can program some sections to reverberate more than others: the [...]


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237 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Dr Linus Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Dr Linus Initial Reaction Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 7, “Dr. Linus.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067 Note: We [...]


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Vintage summer

In honour of the most gorgeous summer weather we've been having in the UK for the last week, here's a collection of images that give me good summer vibes. They're all examples of a vintage/ethereal type post-processing treatment that I really like, has a very nostalgic and soft summery feel about it. I've experimented a little to try and replicate the look of this with some of my own pictures, but haven't really been satisfied with many of the results so far - can't quite get the same soft pastel feel happening. Shooting in RAW on a 50mm with slight overexposure seems to be a good start

Added to my 'Vintage summer' gallery on flickr - check here for photo credits :)


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239 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Recon Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Recon Initial Reaction Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 8, “Recon.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your call 24hrs [...]


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Detroit Goes Dark: Half of Detroit's Street Lights May Go Out To Save Money; Left to the Rats

Cash strapped Detroit has lost 60 percent of its population since 1950. What's left is a sprawling mass of vacant, worthless homes stripped of copper and anything else worthwhile.

Does it make sense to have streetlight in these areas? What about paving cracked sidewalks? What about other services? Is anything salvageable?

To save money, huge sections of the city will be left to the rats. Then again, 40% of Detroit's streetlights do not work already. By that measure, the city has long ago been left to the rats.

Bloomberg reports Half of Detroit?s Streetlights May Go Out as City Shrinks.
Detroit, whose 139 square miles contain 60 percent fewer residents than in 1950, will try to nudge them into a smaller living space by eliminating almost half its streetlights.

As it is, 40 percent of the 88,000 streetlights are broken and the city, whose finances are to be overseen by an appointed board, can?t afford to fix them. Mayor Dave Bing?s plan would create an authority to borrow $160 million to upgrade and reduce the number of streetlights to 46,000. Maintenance would be contracted out, saving the city $10 million a year.

?You have to identify those neighborhoods where you want to concentrate your population,? said Chris Brown, Detroit?s chief operating officer. ?We?re not going to light distressed areas like we light other areas.?

Delivering services to a thinly spread population is expensive. Some 20 neighborhoods, each a square mile or more, are only 10 to 15 percent occupied, said John Mogk, a law professor at Wayne State University who specializes in urban law and policy. He said the city can?t force residents to move, and it?s almost impossible under Michigan law for the city to seize properties for development.

As Detroit?s streets go dark, some of those neighborhoods may fade away with the dying light.

360 Degree Photo Tour

Please take a look at this amazing 360 degree photo tour of several spots in or around Detroit, including the abandoned Michigan Central Train station.

Reader "Rick" who sent the link suggested "It looks like a scene from the movie Escape from New York"

Give the images time to load. They first load in black-and-white, then color. You can use the mouse to pan around but it is easiest to use the left and right arrows on the image.

Here is an image of the Michigan Central Train depot from the outside courtesy of the Wall Street Journal article Less Than a Full-Service City

At the core of Detroit's problems is public unions, private unions, a manufacturing exodus, graft, and political pandering to unions. If you get the idea unions and politicians are a big part of Detroit's problems, then you certainly get the idea.

For still more, please Search This Blog for Detroit.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


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Since I Quit My Day Job...


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Metropolis Necklace-Etsy Beadweavers Challenge

This month's Etsy Beadweavers challenge theme, Fashion Through the Ages , struck a chord with me because I had a pattern developed that fit perfectly with the Art Deco style of design. I created the triangular portion of my Metropolis Necklace using the pattern I made with my BeadTool design program and stitched it in herringbone using 4 beads at a time. Then I worked upward in brick stitch to a decent choker width of 1/2" and finished out the rest of the choker in peyote. I had fun looking through my vintage button collection and found the perfect button to complement the Art Deco design. Of course, I finished it all last minute and could only get some basic photos done. Next time, no procrastinating (yeah right) ! You can check out all the amazing entries from our beadweaving team now and vote on March 8th.


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Enjoy England?

Margate, not the best seaside town England has to offer.
Being an Aussie gal, I'm probably particularly fussy about beaches


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246 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Happily Ever After Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Happily Ever After Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 11, “Happily Ever After” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your [...]


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242 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Ab Aeterno Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Ab Aeterno Initial Reaction Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I give our Initial Reaction to Season 6 Episode 9, “Ab Aeterno.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your [...]


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Fun on Rollerskates!

By popular demand, here's the kitty from the set I blogged a few weeks back.


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Sunday Photo Dump


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Aunt Martha's vegie melodrama

aunt marthas vegies, originally uploaded by drewzel.

I scanned this one, because I saw it blogged the other week with a different cover, I'll find the link and add it in here. Update : - it was Claudia's blog, the patterns are here.


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Announcing My Very First Online Classes!


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Spain's Bankrupt Catalonia Region "Running Out of Options" to Refinance ?13 Billion; Total Regional Needs are ?50.7 Billion; Regions Want "Open Bar" with Central Bank Guarantees

The crisis in Spain is rapidly coming to a head. This crisis has nothing to do with Greek "contagion" as is widely believed. Spain dug this hole by itself.

Spain's immediate unsolvable problems are a bankrupt banking system coupled with bankrupt regions that have no way to pay bills.

Spain's regional governments need to roll ?35.7 billion and there is current deficit of ?15 billion.

The president of Spain's Catalonia Region said it faces refinancing needs of ?13 billion and is "running out of options refinance its debt".

Catalonia accounts for about one fifth of the Spanish economy.

Moreover, Spain's Valencia region set off alarm bells on a six-month ?19 billion bond issue because it may be forced to pay a 7% return, more than two points above what Greece is paying for their junk bonds.

Regions Want "Open Bar" with Central Bank Guarantees

Let's not mince words. Spanish regional governments are clearly and undeniably bankrupt. It should come as no surprise that the regional governments have asked the central government for "an open bar, meaning that the state allows the joint issuance of debt with the guarantee explicit regional treasury, and without demand conditions change, allowing them access to cheaper financing. The matter was discussed again at the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy last Thursday.

The above story was pieced together with help of Google translate and the following articles:

The rescue of Catalonia and market nerves about Spain

In Guindos wants to keep money in advance to the CCAA

The problem for Spain is if it guarantees regional debt (the term used for this is "Hispabonos") then the credit rating of Spain will drop and all of Spain's borrowing costs will rise.

Bankruptcy, default, and an exit of the eurozone coupled with work-rule and pension reform is the only realistic solution.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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