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Freitag, 31. August 2012
DIY | Label on beer bottle has QR code that links to brewing instructions
196 Weekly Lost Podcast ? 316 Review
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In Chicago for the hot dog
By Scott Beveridge
CHICAGO ? It's day one in the so-called Windy City and already friends back home are telling me I have to eat deep-dish pizza and Chicago dogs, foods that are as synonymous to this Illinois city as pierogi and kielbasa are to Pittsburgh.
I'm in the mood for one of these hot dogs and head to the hotel bar where I am staying in the Central Loop - the location of many of Chicago's best restaurants - to ask the staff how to find Hot Doug's. A guy I know earlier tells me on Facebook about this restaurant, that it's famous for cooking French fries in duck fat and its Chicago-style dogs.
"It's far away and really hard to get to from here," the hotel bartender says to my dismay.
I next seem to stump her when I ask if there is a place within walking distance to find a good Chicago-style dog.
"Not really. Most of the places are chains," she says before recalling a locally-owned restaurant that sells them across the Chicago River named Portillo's.
So I head out for the 1.4-mile trek to this destination at 100 W. Ontario St., passing through this town's fancy theater district, only to notice that a Beatle's tribute is playing at the Oriental Theater and Conan O'Brien is filming his show this week at The Chicago Theater.
Somewhere along my route I wonder about who in "Chi-town" invented such a hot dog that has brought me to this place and what makes it more special than a copycat I can get back home in Pittsburgh at D's Six Pax & Dawgs.
A random waitress at Chicago O'Hare International Airport gives it an attempt after I land here and her ask that very question.
Her response is Chicago's hot dogs are bigger and made "right here" with all beef and no additives. I think that's a pretty impressive sell for any processed food.
Eventually I see Portillo's. It's across the street from a McDonald's with super-sized golden arches next to a Hard Rock cafe filled to its brim with middle-schoolers involved in a lame flash mob.
This Portillo's bills itself as having a Chicago gangster ambiance. Sure enough there is a maroon 1930 Chevy sedan suspended from the ceiling, a car just like those seen in old mob movies. Nearby is a framed 1926 photograph of Ralph "Bottles"Capone (Al's older brother) and his pals below a sign the U.S. government once posted at a local business it closed for violating the National Prohibition Act.
This place is noisy and festive, though, and beer is sold here these days from a bar that is separate from where the food is served. Customers place their food orders while standing at a counter below such decorations as a bra, apron and other garments hanging from a clothesline.
It boasts as having been founded in 1963 by Dick Portillo in a small trailer and since grown to nearly 50 locations with requests for catering from almost as many U.S. states.
I take my food to a table laced in a blue and white checkerboard plastic tablecloth, only to realize while devouring it that I still haven't figured out who had the genius to first dress a hot dog with a pickle wedge, hot peppers, mustard, chopped onions, relish and tomato slices.
Chicago pizza; you are my tomorrow.
The eclectic interior of Portillo's in Chicago. (Scott Beveridge photo)
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Was just looking...
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258 Weekly Lost Podcast ? What They Died For Review
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Yanomama in motion

The Ocelot (Felis pardalis) is a small cat from Central and South America.
The name "ocelot" comes from the Mexican Aztec word "tlalocelot" meaning field tiger.
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Red Gem Ring
I started this little ring a few weeks ago to submit to the Embellishing the Runway Flickr group. This was supposed to go with the crazy long-legged design challenge. The red garment was spectacular...weirdly awesome in a way...and I thought the ring would be a nice touch. Here it is finally, better late than never !
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256 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Across The Sea Review
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245 Weekly Lost Podcast ? The Package Review
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Interest Rate Caps vs. Bands: Can "Secret Sauce" Make a Difference?
Reuters reports ECB mulls setting target bands for bond yields
The European Central Bank is considering setting yield band targets under a new bond-buying program to allow it to keep its strategy shielded and avoid speculators trying to cash in, central bank sources told Reuters on Friday.Secret Sauce?
Setting a band is an option gaining in favour among central bankers, but the decision would not be made before the ECB's September 6 policy meeting, the sources said.
"That is one of the options that is currently being discussed in the working groups and will then be handled by the Governing Council," a euro zone central bank official told Reuters on the condition of anonymity.
"That is the most likely approach, and also the one that could be most successful."
Supposedly "Keeping the intervention target secret could give the ECB an element of surprise and make it more difficult for investors to try to second-guess the bank."
Quite frankly, that's ridiculous, especially over the long haul.
Here's the deal. If the ECB sets the upper bounds of the bands too low, there will be unlimited supply willing to sell to the ECB and the ECB's balance sheet will reflect that fact.
Can This Work?
Let's review what I said in ECB Considers Interest Rate Caps; Can Such a Scheme Possibly Work?
Theory vs. PracticeMarket Forces Will Eventually Rule or ECB Will Be a Proud Buyer of All Bonds
The ECB can "in theory" defend a price target on bonds, but only at the risk of owning every bond.
What about an exit mechanism? How will the ECB get rid of all those bonds down the road? To who, at what price?
Will Germany go along with this ridiculous scheme? For how long?
As is always the case, interference in the free market by central planning fools always fails in the long run.
A band may briefly slow down or speed up price discovery, but eventually (and way sooner rather than later) the ECB, will be forced to defend the band if it is way out of line from normal market forces.
Note that the concept of a lower bound is complete silliness. Will the ECB really act to force up rates in Spain and Italy if the rate is deemed to be too low? If not, the lower band is zero and the upper band is the only pertinent issue.
Whatever the band is, if the upper interest rate band is too low, the ECB will be the proud buyer of 100% of the bonds of Italy and Spain. Thus the idea that interest rate bands offer a meaningful improvement over rate caps is total nonsense.
Neither bands nor caps will work in practice. However, if the upper range is high enough where genuine buyers would step in on their own accord, then a cap or a band could conceivably appear to work.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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247 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Happily Ever After Community Review
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The iconic Fiesta dinnerware isn't just for the table
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Stitch-a-long #3
So much stitching goodness! Click on the photo for a closer look. And I shamefully admit I haven't even started yet.
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255 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Across The Sea Initial Reaction
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Sailor girl and Sailor boy
Given the fact that I've been neglecting my scanning lately, when I find something cute and stitchy in my Interweb travels I have to share with you. Two cuties to stitch, from a vintage colouring book, courtesy of Playing with Brushes' Flickr.
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Donnerstag, 30. August 2012
In Chicago for the hot dog
By Scott Beveridge
CHICAGO ? It's day one in the so-called Windy City and already friends back home are telling me I have to eat deep-dish pizza and Chicago dogs, foods that are as synonymous to this Illinois city as pierogi and kielbasa are to Pittsburgh.
I'm in the mood for one of these hot dogs and head to the hotel bar where I am staying in the Central Loop - the location of many of Chicago's best restaurants - to ask the staff how to find Hot Doug's. A guy I know earlier tells me on Facebook about this restaurant, that it's famous for cooking French fries in duck fat and its Chicago-style dogs.
"It's far away and really hard to get to from here," the hotel bartender says to my dismay.
I next seem to stump her when I ask if there is a place within walking distance to find a good Chicago-style dog.
"Not really. Most of the places are chains," she says before recalling a locally-owned restaurant that sells them across the Chicago River named Portillo's.
So I head out for the 1.4-mile trek to this destination at 100 W. Ontario St., passing through this town's fancy theater district, only to notice that a Beatle's tribute is playing at the Oriental Theater and Conan O'Brien is filming his show this week at The Chicago Theater.
Somewhere along my route I wonder about who in "Chi-town" invented such a hot dog that has brought me to this place and what makes it more special than a copycat I can get back home in Pittsburgh at D's Six Pax & Dawgs.
A random waitress at Chicago O'Hare International Airport gives it an attempt after I land here and her ask that very question.
Her response is Chicago's hot dogs are bigger and made "right here" with all beef and no additives. I think that's a pretty impressive sell for any processed food.
Eventually I see Portillo's. It's across the street from a McDonald's with super-sized golden arches next to a Hard Rock cafe filled to its brim with middle-schoolers involved in a lame flash mob.
This Portillo's bills itself as having a Chicago gangster ambiance. Sure enough there is a maroon 1930 Chevy sedan suspended from the ceiling, a car just like those seen in old mob movies. Nearby is a framed 1926 photograph of Ralph "Bottles"Capone (Al's older brother) and his pals below a sign the U.S. government once posted at a local business it closed for violating the National Prohibition Act.
This place is noisy and festive, though, and beer is sold here these days from a bar that is separate from where the food is served. Customers place their food orders while standing at a counter below such decorations as a bra, apron and other garments hanging from a clothesline.
It boasts as having been founded in 1963 by Dick Portillo in a small trailer and since grown to nearly 50 locations with requests for catering from almost as many U.S. states.
I take my food to a table laced in a blue and white checkerboard plastic tablecloth, only to realize while devouring it that I still haven't figured out who had the genius to first dress a hot dog with a pickle wedge, hot peppers, mustard, chopped onions, relish and tomato slices.
Chicago pizza; you are my tomorrow.
The eclectic interior of Portillo's in Chicago. (Scott Beveridge photo)
ketv kappa alpha psi julissa brisman john wheeler jim harbaugh
Remember Hobbytex?

Today's transfers are a recent op-shop (aka thrift store) find. A pack of Hobbytex iron-on transfers, simply marked "No. 302 children designs". They were wrapped up in a plastic bag when I bought them, so I couldn't check what was in there until I got it home, and lo and behold:

More Vogart - a sheet of "Jolly Farmyard Scenes" (aka Vogart 705) and a mixture of kitty and doggy patterns from Vogart 102 and the days of the week kitties. Does anyone know how Vogart patterns ended up being licensed to Hobbytex and Made in Australia*? I know Vogart used to make fabric paint at one stage too... I might have to go a-Google-ing Hobbytex.
I think there's a sheet missing from the pack as the other sheets are marked B, C and D. The third sheet I have I'm guessing is a Hobbytex original, as I've never seen it before, and the designs defintely seem to be geared towards fabric painting rather than embroidery. I like the designs though, they're good and "boyish": sailboats, racing cars, a rodeo rider and an assortment of old aeroplanes.
So if the wee boys in your life don't want a kitteh or a doggie, then I think this Spitfire-like fighter plane is the way to go!
*( the patterns proclaim. I like seeing "Made in Australia" on things.)
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199 Weekly Lost Podcast ? LeFleur Initial Reaction
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A landmark lost
By Scott Beveridge
WEBSTER, Pa. ? It was nighttime and I was about 10 years old the first time I remember studying the big old house on the bend coming into my hometown.
One of Webster, Pa.'s, bullies had gathered a few children, including myself, across the street from that house, promising then he could draw out the witch who lived there.
After a few harassing remarks from him a woman with long red hair stepped out on the second-story front porch and screeched, sending all of us running home. Thus, I spent the remaining years of my childhood convinced the three-story clapboard house was haunted.
Over subsequent decades people often marveled that the white house with dark green trim at Elm and Third streets had to have once served as a hotel because it looked like one with 16 windows across its facade. Others thought it was built as an apartment building. I've also heard stories that its former owners operated a 19th Century flour mill that once sat across the street near where Webster Hollow Creek flows into the Monongahela River.
The Georgian-style house likely was built as a farmhouse for a growing family, sometime after balloon frame construction replaced the post and beam style of building. And I've heard historians say there were no others like it in all of Westmoreland County.
It's likely the history of the house was never written or forever lost when a bulldozer arrived Friday and flattened the structure that had stood near my home.
As a lover of old buildings and a preservationist I mourn for the house, which still had its original six-over-six double hung windows, and blame myself for its demise.
A broken up wooden desk sat Friday among the rubble, along with an old, damaged Roman Catholic print of the Madonna and Child and evidence that one of the rooms once boasted hand-painted wallpaper.
A few months ago a guy whose heart was racing offered to sell me the property for $5,000, on behalf the estate. He had called police that afternoon after fleeing from the house, telling me he had gone inside and noticed a large animal run past an upper room.
He also asked me if I had ever noticed anyone going in or out of the place.
I hadn't, I explained, seen anything other than raccoons crawling in an out of the back porch roof and any number of ferrel cats using the house for shelter.
Over the subsequent weeks friends and neighbors tried unsuccessfully to talk me into buying the house. One of them suggested we purchase it together and use it as a store to sell antiques.
"I don't have another old house in me," I said. "I can't find the time to cut my own grass."
It's nearly impossible to find the time or motivation to keep up with my own century-old house, which needs a fresh coat of paint and new gutters. It's next to impossible to find a roofer even willing to keep an appointment to provide an estimate on replacing the box gutters on my house.
So today I look out at a sprawling empty lot where this house once stood, and wonder if it'll become one more overgrown lot among hundreds that dot this neck of America's Rust Belt.
epiphany definition epiphany elizabeth edwards will dunkin donuts drew carey weight loss
"Adrift" Freeform Bracelet
Again, a tale of procrastination and inertia but with a happy ending ! This bracelet started out as a project for the EBW Spring Swap, but I had a hard time moving ahead using these colors....they just don't motivate me. I used them because my swap partner liked "earth tones." I searched my bead stash for the "earthiest" bead colors I could find, and found only a few. The clock was ticking and the shape kept growing and I couldn't stop it, but knew I didn't have enough time to let it grow into the size it wanted to be. So I set it aside and started the round pendant (see previous blog post).
Fast forward a couple months and the as yet unfinished bracelet...determined to submit a completely new item to the recent gallery show, I took it out and let it reach it's destined size. It was kind of growing on me, but I probably won't attempt using these colors again anytime soon. Finished in time for the gallery jury day, I submitted it and it was accepted, and just a week later it sold to a lady from France ! And I'm happy to report, I've also sold a necklace I finished last December and three pairs of earrings ! I think my "year of inertia" has finally come to a close :-)
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234 Weekly Lost Podcast ? The Lighthouse IR
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Indiana's Voucher System Doubles, Public Schools Fight Back With Billboard Ad Campaign; Three Sure-Fire Ways To Improve Schools
Struggling Indiana public school districts are buying billboard space, airing radio ads and even sending principals door-to-door in an unusual marketing campaign aimed at persuading parents not to move their children to private schools as the nation's largest voucher program doubles in size.How To Improve Schools
Unlike voucher programs in other states that are limited to poor families and failing school districts, the Indiana subsidies are open to a much broader range of people, including parents with a household income up to nearly $64,000 for a family of four. The median income for an Indiana family of four was just over $67,000 in 2010, making many of the state's nearly 1 million public school students eligible for vouchers.
Last year, the effect of the new vouchers was limited because the law passed just four months before the start of school, and many parents were still unfamiliar with the program. But this year, more than 8,000 students have already applied for vouchers, and there is room for up to 15,000. The number of participants could grow even more next year, when the ceiling on the number of vouchers is eliminated.
Leaders of poor urban schools, which suffered the most defections last year, are especially worried. A district loses $5,300 to $8,400 for each student who leaves.
After 113 of its students departed for private schools last year, the Evansville Vanderburgh district spent $5,700 to erect two billboards and place ads at bus stops to tout the district's theme of "Bringing Learning to Life."
In Fort Wayne, public schools lost 392 students to vouchers last year, the most in the state. That cost the district more than $2.6 million in state aid and led officials to cut 10 art, music and physical education teaching positions at elementary schools.
School staff members have gone to the homes of students who switched to private schools last year or who dropped out and asked them to come back. The district is touting its magnet schools, teaching methods that include Montessori and Reggio and a performing arts and visual arts school.
There are three sure-fire ways to improve schools.
- Increase competition
- Eliminate public unions
- Merit pay
Indiana's voucher system addresses method number one.
If everyone pulls their kids out of public school, number two would happen by force. Unfortunately, that is not a reasonable expectation.
Note the math in Fort Wayne. The district lost 392 students to vouchers at a cost to the district of $2.6 million in state aid. The district responded by cutting 10 positions.
Is the cost of a teacher plus benefits really $260,000?
Regardless, union rules are based on seniority, not merit, and it is impossible to get rid of poor teachers, even sexual predators, if they have been in the system long enough.
Thus, an unfortunate side effect of Indiana's voucher system is the distinct possibility that poor inner-city schools may get stuck with the worst teachers and the worst students whose parents cannot afford the extra cost of private education.
Should that happen, the voucher system might get the blame when the real problem is public unions.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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According to a new government census India's tiger population has fallen drastically during the past five years, with poaching and urbanisation cited as the probable reasons for the decline.
Tigers are poached for their body parts - skins are prized for fashion and tiger bones are used for oriental medicines. India is home to 40% of the world's tigers, with 23 tiger reserves in 17 states.
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Fed to Deliver More Stimulus "Fairly Soon"; How Much Stimulus Does It Take? Sell the News Event Coming Up?
The Committee had provided additional accommodation at its previous meeting by announcing the continuation of the maturity extension program through the end of the year, and more time was seen as necessary to evaluate the effects of that decision. Nonetheless, many members expected that at the end of 2014, the unemployment rate would still be well above their estimates of its longer-term normal rate and that inflation would be at or below the Committee's longer-run objective of 2 percent. A number of them indicated that additional accommodation could help foster a more rapid improvement in labor market conditions in an environment in which price pressures were likely to be subdued. Many members judged that additional monetary accommodation would likely be warranted fairly soon unless incoming information pointed to a substantial and sustainable strengthening in the pace of the economic recovery.What's the Definition of Many?
Several members noted the benefits of accumulating further information that could help clarify the contours of the outlook for economic activity and inflation as well as the need for further policy action. One member judged that additional accommodation would likely not be effective in improving the economic outlook and viewed the potential costs associated with such action as unacceptably high. At the conclusion of the discussion, members agreed that they would closely monitor economic and financial developments and carefully weigh the potential benefits and costs of various tools in assessing whether additional policy action would be warranted.
There are 12 voting members on the FOMC.
Is "many" three, four, or seven? I think the wording of the Fed minutes was purposely vague, hoping to get a "bang for no buck".
Nonetheless, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Reuters, the Chicago Tribune, the Hill, the Daily Beast, and numerous other sites are all expecting another round of QE.
Of course I expect another round as well, just not necessarily at the next meeting.
Indeed I think the Fed will take a pass at the next meeting unless all hell breaks loose before the next meeting which is September 12-13. Otherwise, I expect a "Fed does not want to interfere with the election" type of statement.
How Much Stimulus Does It Take?
Please note that the federal government is running budget deficits exceeding $1 trillion for four years running. That deficit is well beyond any stimulus the Fed could possibly provide.
Yet, unemployment rate is still above 8 percent. Counted accurately, the unemployment rate is probably between 10 and 11 percent. Include part-time workers who want a full-time and it is close to 20 percent.
Also note that Fed stimulus has goosed the stock market and commodities but done little if anything for the real economy.
Indeed, low interest rates have crucified savers on fixed income, and will punish pension plans the moment equities take a turn for the worse.
Sell the News Event Coming Up?
There is no more good news to be had from more QE, except of course for those holding gold.
And while everyone is pouring over every word the Fed says as if there is any real meaning to the words "many members", should the Fed actually cut rates in September, I would expect the reaction to be a "sell the news" event.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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194 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Review of This Place Is Death
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But now I'm back and stitchiness will resume shortly. Thanking!
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EBW 2011 Spring Swap
This year's Spring Swap was much more of a success for me. I've been feeling more creative and having a goal has been good to get me more motivated. This year, my "swappee" was Callie Mitchell aka Peregrine Beader on Etsy. We can request that the "swapper" make something using a stitch that we don't usually use, so she requested bead embroidery. That was perfect for me, because I wanted to use some metal bracelet blanks I had and try covering them with bead embroidery. Her colors were reds, browns and golds. I had enough beads in these colors to get started, so I measured out a piece of Lacy's stiff stuff to fit the metal blank with about 1/4" extra all around. Later I ran into trouble when the fabric started to pull up too much and came out too short to use the metal blank. Oh, well, I decided to abandon using that and after finishing the embroidery, I covered the back with a piece of tan suede. I stitched up a loop and added a button, and I had essentially the same style bracelet but with more flexibility. I got a message from Callie that she loves it...yay !
Shortly before the deadline of the EBW swap, I received a package in the mail from Charlene Abrams aka More than Somewhat on Etsy. I was thrilled to receive such a lovely necklace made in my favorite colors, midnight blues, purple, magenta and using RAW which is a stitch that I failed to master and can only appreciate. Also, this necklace matches a pair of earrings I made several years ago that have always felt lonely, now they make a nice set. Thanks, Charlene !!!
See the other swap creations
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