Freitag, 30. November 2012

A great Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich

My Thanksgiving leftovers turkey salad sandwich with green grapes (Scott Beveridge photo)

By Scott Beveridge

MY KITCHEN, Pa. ? My favorite part of Thanksgiving is leftover turkey allowed to rest overnight in the refrigerator and then turned into a turkey salad sandwich.

The recipe is rather simple. I use the eyeball method for measuring the ingredients, starting with a heaping handful or two of turkey breast meat cut into chunks, depending on how many people I am feeding for lunch.

Into the bowl toss in a couple of cut-up hardboiled eggs, small chunks of onion and celery, about six chopped green grapes and a heaping amount of mayonnaise and about half that amount of a good brown mustard. Adding some sliced almonds won't hurt this recipe one bit. Salt and pepper to taste and mix with a fork until the ingredients become sort of creamy.

The key to the success of this sandwich is the bread. Use something good. On this day I've selected a fantastic black pepper and Parmesan bread, toasted, from Giant Eagle Market District in Robinson Township. Seriously, I would marry that grocery store if it were possible.


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Etsy Front Page Happy Dance !

Fellow Etsy Beadweaver, Crownrose Gems, posted this treasury a few days ago and today it spent a short time on the front page of ! My Venezia bracelet is part of the collection which is based on the popular Millenium trilogy by Swedish author, Stieg Larsson. I wouldn't have know about my front page appearance if it hadn't been for I totally forgot about the fact that I linked it to my Facebook profile and besides generating an email to me, it automatically posted to Facebook ! Very handy indeed !


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"Honorable Returns" and "Social Requirements"; More on Gift Cards

Earlier today I received a nice email from Mike "In Toyko" Rogers regarding my post Do Gift Cards Make Any Sense? Is it Time to Ban Christmas Presents Altogether?

Mike writes ...
Hi Mish,

In Japan, even though Christmas gift giving is not customary, we do have a custom called "O-Kaeshi" (Honorable Return).

What "O-Kaeshi" means is that when you receive a gift, then you are obligated to give one back. The Japanese take it to extremes as when a gift is given then another is returned and then another given back for the one that was given back and the cycle continues.

I have put my foot down and told my wife and our friends to "Stop!"

It's really absurd when a Japanese visits a foreign country and then feels obligated to buy some souvenir junk for the folks back at home (I mean, how many Hawaii refrigerator magnets - that are made in China - do we really need?)

When I tell the Japanese that we are to "stop it" (and I can because I have an executive position at work) they seem to always be relieved. Cultural and social pressures are not to be under-estimated.

Anyway thinking that you have to buy presents for the aunt you don't like or cologne for the uncle you don't even really know not only a waste of money, but philosophically inane.

It's Better to buy gold or silver for the immediate family for yourself.

Thanksgiving is a better holiday than Christmas away because, at least, there's no "socially required" gift giving.

More on Gift Cards

Reader "EM" writes ...
Hello Mish,

The one circumstance under which gift cards make sense for both buyer and seller is if the card is offered at a discount to face value.

For example, I have long been using my local coffee ship's gift card in lieu of cash there because I can buy a $100 card for $86. When it runs low, I just add another $100, again at a cost discount of 14%. The store owner gets more of my business than otherwise because I spend more when I feel I'm getting good value, and I enjoy the discount and the convenience of not having to worry about having cash in pocket.

Aside from this usage, though, gift cards are a complete racket.

Mike and EM are both correct.

That said, I will point out there is nothing wrong with gift giving as long four conditions hold.

  1. Exchanging gifts is genuinely mutual as opposed to a social necessity or obligation
  2. The act of exchanging is not an emotional chore
  3. No one is financially burdened
  4. The gifts are appreciated and generally usable

I wonder what percentage one or more of the above is violated.  I also wonder when it will be commonplace to discount gift cards.

Although I seldom see gift card discounting now, I suspect it will not be long before the practice is rampant. Once one major store offers discounts, the others will all follow.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock


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237 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Dr Linus Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Dr Linus Initial Reaction Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 7, “Dr. Linus.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067 Note: We [...]


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A Novel Treasury

My Venezia bracelet is part of this treasury based on the novel, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This collection is so interesting, I'm tempted to go check out the book !


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230 Weekly Lost Podcast ? What Kate Does IR

Weekly Lost Podcast What Kate Does Initial Reaction Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I out initial thoughts about “What Kate Does.” Complete show notes for this episode’s weekend review can be found at Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your [...]


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Iron On Transfer Pencil tutorial

If you're a newcomer to the stitching thing and are a bit stumped by the phrase: "Just print off a copy, transfer to your fabric and off you go!" (I'm sure I've used those words before.) ...Sparkly Green Knickers has put up a iron on pencil tutorial here. And I think it's fabulous! [Check out her cute scooter design too.]


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Time to vote on "Fashion Through the Ages"

Etsy Beadweavers Blog

There is still time left to vote for your favorite beadwoven creation in the Etsy Beadweavers' monthly challenge. This month's challenge was selected by our previous winner, Patrizia of Triz Designs. Patrizia has challenged our members to "Choose a fashion style from any period of fashion and design a piece to fit that chosen style/period." We do this for fun and to show the world the extent of our creativity...the prize is just the honor of selecting the next month's challenge. Please take a minute or two to look at all the wonderful designs, created entirely by hand and with original designs (using patterns from other designers is not allowed), and vote for your favorite. This month I entered a piece (#32) entitled "Metropolis", which plays on some of the design elements popular during the Art Deco period.


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Enjoy England?

Margate, not the best seaside town England has to offer.
Being an Aussie gal, I'm probably particularly fussy about beaches


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Purple Drops Tatted Necklace

New necklace...the second one using the pattern I designed for my mom's birthday necklace.


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Metropolis Necklace-Etsy Beadweavers Challenge

This month's Etsy Beadweavers challenge theme, Fashion Through the Ages , struck a chord with me because I had a pattern developed that fit perfectly with the Art Deco style of design. I created the triangular portion of my Metropolis Necklace using the pattern I made with my BeadTool design program and stitched it in herringbone using 4 beads at a time. Then I worked upward in brick stitch to a decent choker width of 1/2" and finished out the rest of the choker in peyote. I had fun looking through my vintage button collection and found the perfect button to complement the Art Deco design. Of course, I finished it all last minute and could only get some basic photos done. Next time, no procrastinating (yeah right) ! You can check out all the amazing entries from our beadweaving team now and vote on March 8th.


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Summer in Brighton


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Maily: email for kids has drawing tools and headshots of recipients [#kids]

Maily: an email app for kids that isn’t dumbed down "Maily is a fun way for kids of 4 and up to stay in touch with their relatives by email. It’s a free iPad app that allows parents to set up a list of email recipients, in the form of headshots. Your kid can create [...]


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Aunt Martha's vegie melodrama

aunt marthas vegies, originally uploaded by drewzel.

I scanned this one, because I saw it blogged the other week with a different cover, I'll find the link and add it in here. Update : - it was Claudia's blog, the patterns are here.


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Land of Ice and Fire

Blue lagoon - Iceland.


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EBW 2011 Spring Swap

EBW 2011 Spring Swap, originally uploaded by ambrosianbeads.

This year's Spring Swap was much more of a success for me. I've been feeling more creative and having a goal has been good to get me more motivated. This year, my "swappee" was Callie Mitchell aka Peregrine Beader on Etsy. We can request that the "swapper" make something using a stitch that we don't usually use, so she requested bead embroidery. That was perfect for me, because I wanted to use some metal bracelet blanks I had and try covering them with bead embroidery. Her colors were reds, browns and golds. I had enough beads in these colors to get started, so I measured out a piece of Lacy's stiff stuff to fit the metal blank with about 1/4" extra all around. Later I ran into trouble when the fabric started to pull up too much and came out too short to use the metal blank. Oh, well, I decided to abandon using that and after finishing the embroidery, I covered the back with a piece of tan suede. I stitched up a loop and added a button, and I had essentially the same style bracelet but with more flexibility. I got a message from Callie that she loves it...yay !

Shortly before the deadline of the EBW swap, I received a package in the mail from Charlene Abrams aka More than Somewhat on Etsy. I was thrilled to receive such a lovely necklace made in my favorite colors, midnight blues, purple, magenta and using RAW which is a stitch that I failed to master and can only appreciate. Also, this necklace matches a pair of earrings I made several years ago that have always felt lonely, now they make a nice set. Thanks, Charlene !!!
See the other swap creations


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Furloughed workers return to their steel-making roots

Former U.S. Steel employee Gary Condon of North Strabane Township, Pa., right, leads a tour of Carrie Furnaces. (Scott Beveridge photo)

By Scott Beveridge

RANKIN, Pa.  ? Gary Condon went into a routine meeting with other steelworkers at the Homestead Works of U.S. Steel on a Thursday in 1981, expecting to learn his schedule for the upcoming week.

But, instead, his supervisor instructed the crew at the 10 a.m. meeting to begin banking the row of seven Carrie Furnaces in Rankin for their shutdown the following Saturday.

"He said, 'We'll never turn them on again,'" said Condon, 60, of North Strabane Township, Pa., who once worked as a pipefitter at the historic blast furnaces just south of Pittsburgh .

Condon often revisits his former workplace now to tell stories and lead tours through what remains of these rare examples of pre-World War II blast furnaces, the only ones still standing in the Pittsburgh region.

"It's like coming home. The pipes around here, I worked on every one of them," said Condon, who lived in nearby Bethel Park when the mill was running.

"So much of this has been torn down so it's hard to imagine what all went on here," he said on a May 5 tour of Carrie Furnaces.

Nothing, however, would have remained at the site on eastern banks of the Monongahela River just south of Pittsburgh had it not been for the efforts of local residents who took on big business to preserve their history.

The Cleveland-based Park Corp. purchased the 430-acre brownfield after U.S. Steel forever closed the mill July 25, 1986, and reinvented most of the property at the Waterfront, a string of strip malls, restaurants and theaters. The corporation was in the process of dismantling Carrie Furnace No. 7 when a court battle halted demolition.

"It was a grassroots effort to say, 'Wait a minute. You can't wipe away our history. We have to save some of it,'" said Ron Baraff, director of archives and museum collections at the Homestead-based Rivers of Steel Heritage Corp., the nonprofit that manages Carrie Furnaces.

The organization also saved the mill's pump house, the site of the infamous Battle of Homestead waged in 1892 when Carnegie Steel Corp. hired Pinkertown guards to quell a lockout of Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. Seven steelworkers and three detectives were killed in the battle, which dealt a crushing blow to the U.S. labor movement.

Visitors make their way around the seemingly frozen-in-time Carrie Furnace No. 6, part of the infamous Homestead Works near Pittsburgh. (Scott Beveridge photo)

Rivers of Steel was determined to memorialize the mill's role, which went far beyond the battle, as it once employed 15,000 workers and produced a third of all of the steel used in the United States, Baraff said.

"It's the story of the growth of this region, the growth of this country," he said.

Tens of thousands of families immigrated from Europe to work in Pittsburgh's steel industry, which produced materials that allowed the nation to "grow vertically and expand westward," he said.

Steel manufactured at Homestead forms the gates of the Panama Canal and Gateway Arch in St. Louis, and gives structural support to the Empire State Building, U.S. Steel Tower in Pittsburgh and Willis (Sears) Tower in Chicago.

The fate of the last of the Carrie Furnaces, Nos. 6 and 7, wasn't sealed, though, until June 2010, five years after Allegheny County purchased the site from Park Corp. in a $7.2 million investment. The deal allowed Rivers of Steel to trade the Hot Metal Bridge it owned from the site into Homestead, which the county needed for access into the property, for management rights of the furnaces, said Sherris Moreira, the heritage corporation's marketing and tourism director. The organization has begun raising money to convert a large building on the property into a regional steel museum, she said.

"There's a lot of history here. It's the real stuff," said Howard L. Wickerham III of Peters Township, who once worked here as an electrician and is being trained as a guide for tours the nonprofit now offers of the site.

Meanwhile, Condon explains how raw materials ? iron ore, limestone and coke ? were offloaded by rail to make pig iron in the furnaces. Larrymen would measure the correct amounts of the ingredients into skip cars, which carried the mix into the furnaces. Hot air was then blown into the furnaces to suspend the materials until they melted, a process that separated the iron from the slag. Other workers around the base of the 2,000-degree furnace manually opened gates that permitted the iron to flow into troughs and drain into torpedo-shaped rail cars, which carried it across the Mon to form steel.

Near the base of Carrie No. 6, Wickerham tells a story that best describes the fortitude of the men who once worked here. A coworker smashed his thumb with a sledgehammer, only to remove his glove, wrap the injury with electrical tape and resume his duties.

"He turned to me and said, 'You didn't see anything,'" Wickerham said, adding that such accidents resulted in five days off without pay.

"It was noble work."

A torpedo-shaped railcar that has survived its days of carrying hot metal across a bridge over the Monongahela River to the U.S. Steel Homestead Works. (Scott Beveridge photo)

This story first appeared in the Observer-Reporter newspaper in Washington, Pa.


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Cameron's Foolish Bluster; Monti Asks Cameron for Up-or-Down Vote on UK Membership in EU

I frequently disagree with Financial Times writer Wolfgang? M�nchau, especially on keeping the eurozone and EU intact.

Today, I largely agree (but sometimes for opposite reasons) with M�nchau's take in Britain?s bluster serves the eurozone well.

M�nchau: The singular importance of the budget negotiations, and of British prime minister David Cameron?s insistence on an EU budget freeze, lies in what they reveal about the future of the EU itself. A frozen budget means that the EU is stuck with what it does. Forget the Agenda 2020, or any other pretence at growth-enhancing policies.

What the fraught budget negotiations tell us is that the process of European integration ? at the level of the EU ? is largely completed. In that sense it matters little whether the UK, for example, stays inside or not. In formally leaving the EU, there would be no need for the UK to give up on any existing rights, including the right to take up work and residence in the EU and, of course access to the single market ? whatever that is worth. The terms of a withdrawal from the EU are freely negotiable. Even now, it does not feel that different, apart from the temperature, whether you are in Britain inside the EU, or in Norway outside the EU.

Mish: From the point of view of the EU, M�nchau is largely correct. The EU can blunder along in its creation of an economic nannyzone with or without the UK, but not with or without Germany.

However, from the point of view of the UK, it would be better for the the UK to leave. The UK does not need inane EU agricultural subsidies, inane financial regulations, inane work rules, or this endless bickering over rules and budgets that the EU nannyzone requires of member states. 

M�nchau: Today?s EU has two important functions left. Some readers may find my list shockingly short. The first is that it provides the institutions and legal framework for the eurozone to muddle through to a solution of its crisis. I am not saying that the eurozone will necessarily achieve that goal. There is a non-trivial probability that it will not.

The banking union could be a first step towards a single market for finance at eurozone level. Ultimately, I would also expect a single market for labour and for services, all at eurozone level. If there is a fiscal union, its budget will end up not only bigger than the EU?s, but also different in composition ? to fulfil the purpose of macroeconomic stabilisation.

Mish: I advise betting on the "non-trivial probability" things do not work out as M�nchau sees. Ironically, the more "success" the EU has on achieving one-size fits none "nannyrules" for everything under the sun, the lower the overall growth in the region because the bureaucracy, financial taxes, agricultural rules, etc., are generally headed in the wrong direction.

M�nchau:The EU?s second important function is to serve as a waiting room for member states who are not yet in the eurozone, but are willing to enter it at some point in the future.

In the end, it does not matter whether the outs leave the EU formally, linger compliantly on the fringes or whether the eurozone leaves them. A messy divorce of some sort will take place, at some point, possibly still quite a few years away. It could take numerous forms. A formal separation is only one of several possibilities. But it is not sustainable for a group of permanent outsiders to enjoy permanent co-decision rights, even though the EU is endlessly patient when it comes to accepting transitional arrangements. The reality is that there is no sustainable biosphere that is outside the eurozone, but inside the EU.

Mish: There is a big difference between the UK sitting on the fence and the Czech Republic, Denmark, or Sweden sitting on the fence. The difference is the UK's size and ability to make waves.

However, let's assume M�nchau is correct, that "there is no sustainable biosphere that is outside the eurozone, but inside the EU".

Given there is very little chance of the UK joining the eurozone, the sooner the UK leaves the EU, the better. Since that is what M�nchau implies (assuming he agrees the UK will not join the eurozone), we are largely in agreement.

M�nchau: By insisting on an EU budget freeze, Mr Cameron is ultimately doing the eurozone a favour. By undermining the EU, he provides further incentives for the eurozone to grasp its collective interest. I support him.

Mish: Not quite. Cameron sits like a wimp on a fence unable to do what needs to be done, nor will he even put the matter to a vote.

Monti Presses Cameron for EU Referendum

Most likely to the shock and horror of the bulk of nannycrats, Monti presses Cameron for EU referendum.
Italy?s prime minister has publicly urged David Cameron to call a decisive referendum on ?the fundamental question? of whether Britain should remain in the EU.

In comments that will complicate the British prime minister?s efforts to fend off Eurosceptic demands for an ?in-out? vote, Mario Monti argued that an unambiguous plebiscite was the best way to address ?the British problem? and prevent an exit.

He added: ?Above all, one day Britain must ? I spoke with David Cameron about this last week ? Britain must ask their electorate, not whether they agree or disagree on the latest change?.?.?.?but pose the fundamental question: do you want to remain in the European Union??

Opinion polls suggest a majority of Britons want to leave the EU. A ComRes survey for the Independent newspaper, released on Tuesday, showed 54 per cent wanted Britain to exit and maintain close trading links.

While Mr Cameron has indicated he favours a referendum on a new ?settlement? between Britain and an increasingly integrated eurozone, he makes it clear he wants the UK to retain its membership. He has refused to yield to pressure from his own Conservative party to hold an in-out vote.

The prospect of reopening Tory splits on Europe haunts Mr Cameron; the two previous Conservative premiers ? Margaret Thatcher and John Major ? were both brought down by party infighting over Europe.

Michael Fabricant, a Conservative vice-chairman, on Monday called on Mr Cameron to offer a referendum non-aggression pact at the next election with the Eurosceptic UK Independence party. He warned the Conservatives could otherwise lose 20-40 seats.

But Mr Cameron rejected the idea, saying there would be ?no pacts? with Ukip, which secured its best-ever parliamentary by-election result last week. Nigel Farage, Ukip leader, said he could not do a deal with the Tories while Mr Cameron was in post.

Meanwhile, Mr Cameron said on Monday that a deal on the EU?s long-term budget was ?still doable? in spite of a breakdown of talks in Brussels last Friday. Britain sided with other EU paymasters ? including Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Finland ? in calling for cuts to proposed spending.

Wimping Along

Cameron has not yet figured out there will only be positive ramifications to jettisoning the nannycrats instead of attempting to influence them.

Compromise is silly with so many major differences including the overall budget, financial transaction taxes, agricultural subsidies, tariffs in general, and work rules.

Here is the problem as I stated in Pin the Tail on the Scapegoat.
Losing by Winning

Cameron raised the EU's bluff and Merkel promptly folded.

The problem is the UK would be far better off by having a straight up or down vote on the EU by British citizens (which I am sure would be rejected), and sadly that outcome was avoided.

Instead, Cameron has decided to plod along instead of doing what needs to be done: having a national referendum on UK membership in the EU.
Cameron's Self-Serving Policies

Cameron will not do what polls suggest or even what his own party wants. Why? Like most politicians, Cameron is acting in his own self-interests hoping to offend the fewest number of people.

The risk is Labor wins the next election anyway, making an exit impossible.

Worse yet, the next prime minister could conceivably sell the UK down the river by agreeing to implement financial transaction taxes and imposing other nannycrat idiocies.

What Cameron really needs to do is not only call for a referendum, but also encourage people to vote to kiss the nannycrats goodbye.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock


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239 Weekly Lost Podcast ? Recon Initial Reaction

Weekly Lost Podcast Recon Initial Reaction Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 8, “Recon.” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for your call 24hrs [...]


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Donnerstag, 29. November 2012

Across the Country: What Final Four Fans are Watching


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Location-based content doesn?t need to be TOO local [#location]

The Broadcastr Team Launches Its ?Next Evolution?: Spun, A Local News App That Connects Content To Real-World Locations "he said that while Broadcastr?s big selling point was the ability to consume content about your specific location (say, listening to something about the Brooklyn Bridge while you?re walking across that very bridge), only 7 percent of [...]


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Two-Sided Device Is Touchpad On One Side, Keyboard On The Other "?Inside Out? is a concept double-sided device that features a traditional keyboard on one side with a large touchpad underneath. This allows you to have multiple controls for your desktop computer. According to Yanko Design, the handy keyboard would be useful for the future [...]


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Bizarre thrift store sells by the pound

Shoppers seek bargains at a Pittsburgh-area Goodwill store that sells its merchandise by the pound. Scott Beveridge photo.

By Scott Beveridge

McKEESPORT, Pa. ? A Goodwill worker steps out from the back room of a sprawling Pittsburgh-area thrift store to announce the next sale.

"Goodwill shoppers. Please step behind the cash registers," he screams to a room where most customers have already lined up there with their buggies in high anticipation of the incoming merchandise.

About a dozen employees of this store in North Versailles Township, Pa., then scurry about the floor carting away large blue bins on wheels containing merchandise that didn't sell over the past few hours.

"Do people ever fight over this stuff?" I ask the older woman beside me, who has already identified herself as a regular shopper at this Goodwill Outlet at 294 Lincoln Highway.

"Oh my," she replies, as the staff here quickly returns nearly 75 of the carts to the floor heaped with more used bargains. "They sometimes have to call the police."

The same man who ordered everyone behind the cash registers soon invites the shoppers back to the merchandise, with hesitation.

"Please. No pushing or shoving," he says.

Then, as if this Wednesday in late November is Black Friday, the 40 or so customers rush to the bins to sift through the 'new' items for sale.

Most of them wear garden gloves because some this merchandise is filthy dirty or includes broken glassware.

A few people here are immigrants grabbing up cheap, donated shoes and clothing to send home to poor people in Africa, another veteran customer explains. Others are here looking for cheap stuff to line the shelves of their thrift stores.

Goodwill Southwestern Pennsylvania leased this former 96,000-square-foot Ames department store in October 2010 as a way to dump stuff that didn't sell at its other thrift shops in Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has reported.

The bins turn around here about every two hours. The stuff is sold for $1.39 a pound, a price that drops in stages to 59 cents a pound when a customer accumulates more than 50 pounds of merchandise

On this day the bins contain items ranging from a one-piece Jason Voorhees "Friday the 13th Part V" Halloween costume for a toddler to a semi-naked Barbi Doll with a missing leg.

I'm here with one of my aunts, and we spend $34 for a bunch of stuff we actually like.

She went home with a pretty angel to add to her vast collection of them, along with a handmade doily and a cool Steelers raincoat.

I went home with, among other things, an original signed painting of a water scene by an artist named G. Gomez R. and the biggest prize, a small metal toy Porsche.

This is supposed to be the only store of its kind in Pennsylvania, and it's worth a visit, if only once, because it's that bizarre.

An original painting signed by artist G. Gomez R. and purchased for a bargain at a Goodwill Outlet near Pittsburgh. 


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Obama to Close "Skills Gap"; Where? How? Why is the Middle Class Shrinking? Living Wages

President Obama says there is a "skills gap". A quick search says that many misguided souls believe the president.
For example Forbes writer Rich Karlgaard says The Skills Gap Exists.

Karlgaard believes the "gap is sure to grow as the population ages and industries from health care to manufacturing are altered by technology. Outsourcing to China won?t be the answer, either. Its population is aging the fastest of all the major economies."

Vicki Needham writing for The Hill says Skills gap is hampering labor market.

Needham, citing a report by Deloitte says "job creation in the United States is hampered by a lack of highly skilled and adaptable workers whose talents don't match current job openings".

The Atlantic comments on Solving the Manufacturing Skills Gap.
Eighty percent of the manufacturing companies in the United States say they cannot find enough workers with the proper skills to fill open positions at their facilities. That's the number President Barack Obama cited, as he announced the Military-to-Civilian Skills Certification Program, in June 2012.

"If you can maintain the most advanced weapons in the world, if you're an electrician on a Navy ship, well, you can manufacture the next generation of advanced technology in our factories like this one," Obama said, speaking from the floor of a Honeywell plant in Minnesota.

But the problem is that veterans have had trouble getting hired, as Obama said, "simply because they don't have the civilian licenses or certifications that a lot of companies require."
Skills Don't Pay the Bills

The above columnists express widely believed economic hooey.

In contrast, Adam Davidson, in his New York Times column, Skills Don?t Pay the Bills, precisely summarizes the problem in four deep thoughts.

Deep Thoughts

  1. There is no skills gap.
  2. Who will operate a highly sophisticated machine for $10 an hour?
  3. Not a lot of people.
  4. As a result, there is going to be a skills gap.

Davidson visited the engineering technology program at Queensborough Community College in New York City led by instructor Joseph Goldenberg whose manufacturing classroom consisted of "nothing but computers".

With that introduction, inquiring minds tune in a bit closer to some snips from Davidson.
Nearly six million factory jobs, almost a third of the entire manufacturing industry, have disappeared since 2000. And while many of these jobs were lost to competition with low-wage countries, even more vanished because of computer-driven machinery that can do the work of 10, or in some cases, 100 workers. Those jobs are not coming back, but many believe that the industry?s future (and, to some extent, the future of the American economy) lies in training a new generation for highly skilled manufacturing jobs ? the ones that require people who know how to run the computer that runs the machine.

Running these machines requires a basic understanding of metallurgy, physics, chemistry, pneumatics, electrical wiring and computer code. It also requires a worker with the ability to figure out what?s going on when the machine isn?t working properly. And aspiring workers often need to spend a considerable amount of time and money taking classes like Goldenberg?s to even be considered. Every one of Goldenberg?s students, he says, will probably have a job for as long as he or she wants one.

And yet, even as classes like Goldenberg?s are filled to capacity all over America, hundreds of thousands of U.S. factories are starving for skilled workers. Throughout the campaign, President Obama lamented the so-called skills gap and referenced a study claiming that nearly 80 percent of manufacturers have jobs they can?t fill. Mitt Romney made similar claims. The National Association of Manufacturers estimates that there are roughly 600,000 jobs available for whoever has the right set of advanced skills.

The secret behind this skills gap is that it?s not a skills gap at all. I spoke to several other factory managers who also confessed that they had a hard time recruiting in-demand workers for $10-an-hour jobs. ?It?s hard not to break out laughing,? says Mark Price, a labor economist at the Keystone Research Center, referring to manufacturers complaining about the shortage of skilled workers. ?If there?s a skill shortage, there has to be rises in wages,? he says. ?It?s basic economics.? After all, according to supply and demand, a shortage of workers with valuable skills should push wages up. Yet according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of skilled jobs has fallen and so have their wages.

Goldenberg, who has taught for more than 20 years, is already seeing it up close. Few of his top students want to work in factories for current wages.

It?s easy to understand every perspective in this drama. Manufacturers, who face increasing competition from low-wage countries, feel they can?t afford to pay higher wages. Potential workers choose more promising career paths. ?It?s individually rational,? says Howard Wial, an economist at the Brookings Institution who specializes in manufacturing employment.
Situation in a Nutshell

  • Companies cannot afford to pay so much that they lose money.
  • Companies would rather invest in technology and robots to reduce the need for labor, than to pay workers more money
  • A shift manager at McDonald's can make $14 an hour, comparable to what manufacturing jobs pay
  • Union wages and benefits are a major problem

High Cost of Education

The problem is actually quite a bit deeper. Given the preposterously high cost of education in the US, students graduate from college with an expectation they need to make more than they can to pay off student debt.

The same holds true (and even more so) for those going back to school as well as those attending for profit colleges such as the University of Phoenix.

Here are a few eye openers:

Education Bubble: Student Loan Debt Passes Credit Card Debt, Expected to Hit $1 Trillion

Debt for Diploma Schemes: Debt for Diploma Schemes and the Cookie Monster Principle

Off-Balance-Sheet Budget Fraud: Budget Deficit Accounting Fraud and the Off-Balance-Sheet Student Loan Scam; Time to Scrap Entire Student Loan Program

Pell Grant Debt Zombies: For Profit Schools Turn Students Into Debt Zombies; It's Time To Kill The Entire Pell Grant Program

Buried in Debt: Subprime Goes to College; Students Buried in Debt; Who is to Blame?

Living Wage Nonsense

Keynesian and Monetarist clowns conclude that wages are not high enough. The masses lament for "living wages".

The problem is not that wages are too low, but rather costs are too high. Ben Bernanke, president Obama, union sympathizers and other misguided fools seek to drive wages up.

The results are what any rational person should expect: loss of jobs to Asia, loss of jobs to technology, prices rising faster than wages, and overall debt soaring to the moon.

Reflections on Affordable Housing, Education, Medicine

There are hundreds of "affordable housing" programs. Every damn one of them drove costs higher by artificially creating demand right up until the pool of greater fools ran out. Then, as soon as housing crashed, government and the Fed made a concerted effort to drive back up prices.

In effect, no one really wanted affordable housing. Rather they all wanted "affordable housing slush funds".

The same holds true for education and health care.

Why is the Middle Class Shrinking?

The simple fact of the matter is there is absolutely nothing wrong with falling prices. Indeed the average guy on the street would welcome falling prices. The Fed, however, says no.

The first result of Fed policy (coupled of course with Fractional Reserve Lending) is rising prices of essential goods and services coupled with falling real wages.

The second result of Fed policy was a real estate and financial asset crash.

The third result of Fed policy is reduced demand for credit (which constitutes deflation in my book).

Since the Fed never learns, we have seen reckless rounds of QE following reckless rounds of QE hoping to stimulate jobs and lending. Yet, people actually wonder "Why the middle class is shrinking"

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

"Wine Country" Economic Conference Hosted By Mish
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Owl love you

Hello Stitchy friends,
Oh yes, it's been a long time, I know! Short story is that 2009 was a HORRID year and as such, all crafty endeavours suffered. But I'm getting back on track now, and to show you how much owl love you all here's a pattern from a late 60's Crewelwork set:

Hopefully it's clear enough for you to print and use...I don't have access to a scanner anymore, so I took a pic of this pattern with my i-phone. And don't forget to share any pics of your stitchy goodness to the Flickr embroidery pool!


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Garbage Piles Up in Spain as Unpaid Municipal Bills Mount; Green Shoot of the Day: Cement Consumption Falls 34%

As Spain attempts austerity by cutting back payments to regions, those regions run out of funds to pay bills.

For an interesting case-in-point, please consider (via Google translate from El Economista) Municipalities Owed ?2,000 Million, Companies Refuse Collection and Cleaning
Defaults on local councils put back on the ropes to urban sanitation companies. No respite worth. If the final plan provider payment partially interrupted the problem, the situation again becomes serious. "Since the beginning of the year delinquencies has skyrocketed. In just eight months to August, the accumulated debt of the sessions with cleaning companies was around 1,680 million.

This rise is worrisome for a sector in Spain employs over 120,000 people, "said the president of Aselip (Association of Public Cleaning), Francisco Jard�n.

The result is that today the municipalities pending bills with these companies together account for nearly 2,000 million euros.  As also in the pharmaceutical sector, the debt problem is that, far from disappearing, is regenerated by now.

"When the government launched the provider payment plan in April the problem was corrected by 90 percent. Then consistories debt with sanitation companies was nearly 3,000 million euros and around 300 million were left payable "adds Jard�n. Why? "For the Royal Decree which implemented that plan did not, do not know why, consortia or associations, which also have hired urban sanitation".

Strike in Jerez

Urbaser stars in these days one of the main problems related to the debts. The ERE submitted by the company, which includes 125 layoffs and pay cuts, has meant that employees call for a strike in garbage collection that has lasted 19 days.

According to the City, more than 3,000 tons of garbage piled in the streets of the city of Cadiz, which last night had its second day of riots and burning container. Sources Provincial Fire Consortium reported traffic costs due to the garbage thrown by neighbors to the street as a barricade, and clashes with the police and firefighters who came to put out the flames.
That is quite a choppy translation but I believe you get the gist.

Green Shoot of the Day

While reflecting on garbage, also consider via Google translate The green shoot of the day. Cement consumption falls by 34% through October.
Cement consumption fell by 33.8% in the first ten months of the year, reaching 11.74 million tons, thus scoring one of the biggest percentage declines since the beginning of the crisis.

The association warns that if this fall in consumption is not stopped "using government" not ruled out further adjustments in business capacity of a sector that has already lost one third (33%) of their jobs since the onset of the crisis.

The Spanish cement industry currently employs 5,158 workers in Spain, compared to 7730 it had in 2007, pre-crisis period.

With these settings, the industry is adapting its production volumes to the current demand for cement, affected by the housing slowdown builder and civil works. According to his data, registered until October consumption accounts for less than 40% of the sector's production capacity.

Thus, in the first ten months of the year were made in Spain 13.84 million tons of cement, resulting in a decrease of 28.6%.

Regarding last October, production fell by 33% compared to the same month in 2011, after consumption fell by 24.7% to 1.14 million tonnes.
No Good Economic Outcome Possible

There is no possible economic outcome that Europe will be happy with. There is roughly a 10 percent chance the eurozone does not break up.

Moreover, should the eurozone not break apart, it will mean prolonged economic depression for Spain, Greece, and Portugal, and that depression in turn will hammer Germany and France.

Can-kicking exercises hoping to hold the eurozone intact are a huge part of the problem.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock


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