Samstag, 30. April 2011

It's Getting Hot!

relax, baby, originally uploaded by howtouseart.

silkscreen, spray paint, pastel, charcoal, and acrylic
18" x 22"

Yeah, I think summer is officially here in Florida... As soon as you step outside, you get covered in an icky film of sweat and humidity. So that is why I'm staying INside and doing lots of painting! This is one from a few months ago, plenty of new ones to show you too, but of course I gotta take some pictures first...

I'm super excited because in a few weeks I am off to Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina. I am taking the "Print and Clay Buffet" class and learning how to make images onto pottery - yay! So exicted...and lucky because I got a scholarship to take the class. :)
I will keep you guys posted on how it goes and will definitely want to show you what I make!


elizabeth edwards will dunkin donuts drew carey weight loss disney dream deanna pappas

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