Montag, 2. April 2012

Obama Budget Defeated 414-0; Obama vs. Ryan Budget Showdown Revisited

Not a single Democrat endorsed the budget proposed by president Obama. The scorecards reads as follows Obama budget defeated 414-0.
President Obama's budget was defeated 414-0 in the House late Wednesday, in a vote Republicans arranged to try to embarrass him and shelve his plan for the rest of the year.

The vote came as the House worked its way through its own fiscal year 2013 budget proposal, written by Budget Committee Chairman Paul D. Ryan. Republicans wrote an amendment that contained Mr. Obama's budget and offered it on the floor, daring Democrats to back the plan, which calls for major tax increases and yet still adds trillions of dollars to the deficit over the next decade.

But no Democrats accepted the challenge.

Senate Democrats have said they will not bring a budget to the floor this year, though Republicans in the chamber have talked about trying to at least force a vote on Mr. Obama's plan there as well.

Last year, when they forced a vote on his 2012 budget, it was defeated 97-0.
National Debt vs. Public Debt

In my post Obama vs. Ryan: Budget Showdown - Deficit and Total Debt Projections Through 2021 - Interactive map one reader caught a mislabeling of public debt as national debt.

Mislabeling is corrected. Here is the Budget Showdown once again, this time with the corrected word change.

Note: Tableau has a server issue right now and the interactive buttons may not be working properly. This should be corrected shortly.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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