Samstag, 29. September 2012

Reader from Netherlands Says Last Election Not as Pro-Euro as Media Portrays; 81 in 150 Against More Bailouts

European nannycrats breathed a sigh of relief following the re-election of Dutch Liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte on September 12.

The results ?will likely inject a little more confidence into parts of the European political elite? as they step up efforts to contain the debt crisis, David Mackie, chief European economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in London, wrote today. ?The risks of the Netherlands changing policy direction in a fundamental way appear to have receded, doubtless to private sighs of relief in Berlin and elsewhere.?


Reader Bert who lives in the Netherlands analyzed the actual stated positions of every member of the Dutch parliament and came up with this analysis. Bert writes ...
Hello Mish

As you can see in the table below, according to statements made by political party leaders in the past few weeks, 81 of the 150 seats in the Dutch parliament will vote against any future bailout of Greece. The same thing is likely should the ESM need additional funds for other countries.

Here is my interpretation.

VVD ( classical liberal / conservative)
Party leader and current prime minister made several time's a clear statement: "note a dime to Greece anymore" and got support from Wolfgang Sch�ubele (German finance minister) for that statement.

PVV (freedom party)
Is totally against the Euro and even the EU in its current form

SP (socialistic / maoistic party)
Totally against Euro bail-outs and the Brussels dictates)

CrU (centre/left with a Christian inspiration)
Tried in the parliament to keep the Netherlands out of the ESM

SGP (a strong biblical inspired party)
Totally against "shared responsibilities" in the socialistic way

PvdD (party for the well-being of animals especially critical to the mass bio-industry) Very Europe critical, a statement from them: "Europe is in its present form not democratic"

There was a huge move from voters from the very EU skeptical PVV to the VVD (a pro Europe party), but this was simply because the PVV blew up the last centre/right government. Voters did not liked that, and it had nothing to do with being pro-Europe.

Close analysis of the true positions of the elected parliament tells the real story: the Netherlands are becoming more and more euro-skeptical and EU critical, not the opposite. Thus, media interpretation that the Netherlands voted for pro-euro is totally wrong.

All the best

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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