Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2013

The Bears' Prayer

Given the Chicago Bears were put out of their misery last week, missing the playoffs I offer this prayer for 2013

Our Papabear
Who art in heaven
Hallas be thy name
We're havin? no fun
Cause we sure play dumb
At home as we do away
Give us this season
Coach Lovie?s Leavin?
And forgive us you must
As we forgive those, scoring big against us
And lead us not into the playoffs
But deliver us from Cutler

I wrote that in 1997 and only needed to change a few words. Back then it was

Give us this season
Dave Wanstedt's Leavin?

In 1997 I ended with "deliver us from the Packers"

Since Lovie is gone, part of the prayer has been realized already. Fans still await much needed delivery from Cutler.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock


buckeye brady hoke boston herald boo ray birds fall from sky

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