Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011

Pet Warning: Xylitol

Let me start by saying that my pup, Ruby Roo, is fine and 100% healthy now. She is at home and doing great! Yay!!

A few days ago, Ruby Roo knocked my purse down from a table and dug out a pack of gum. When I came into the room, I noticed a chewed up package of gum and wondered how many pieces she ate...I didn't remember how much gum was in my purse, so it could have been anywhere from 0-10 pieces. I didn't think much of it at first, but then before I went to bed at around midnight, I decided to google it and see if there was anything I should do. It turns out that gum containing Xylitol, a sugar subsitute, can be toxic to dogs. It can affect their blood sugar and their liver... So I took her in to the pet emergency clinic right away, where they gave her an IV with fluids all night, transferring her to her regular vet during the daytime. She stayed there all the next day and got a blood test the next morning. Luckily, all of her results came out perfect, and she has no consequences from eating the gum, if she ate any at all. It was a really, really scary experience for all of us, and I'm glad she is okay. Please let this be a warning for all other pet owners reading this: xylitol can be found in gum and candy, so please keep it away from your pets!

Ruby is happy and healthy and back at home, yay!


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