Montag, 28. Februar 2011

What is a good gift for an artist?

Here is my first attempt at answering some of your art questions! More to come soon. Thanks for the comments and questions; please keep them coming! :)

I guess it would depend on what mediums your friend worked with, but if they do any kind of painting, an artist can never have too many paintbrushes, especially ones for detailed work. Don't get the cheapest paintbrushes at the store, and stay far away from the most expensive ones, lol... I would say $3-5 per brush would be your best bet - not too cheap and not too pricey.

(Above is a photo of a painting in progress with some of my favorite brushes. Ooh, I need to work on that ear!)

Resource books are always great too... or gift cards to online art supply stores for sure! What other ideas does everyone have?


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Best movie picks

Jeff Bridges and Hailee Steinfield in "True Grit."  (Lorey Sebastian/Paramount Pictures)

It would appear that my selections for the five best 2010 movies involved directors who put an incredible new spin on tried and true storylines.

1. "True Grit"

Call me a sucker for a good Western adventure film. Consider me an even bigger fan of the Coen brothers. Ethan and Joel Coen have veered away from producing cutting-edge movies to give their audience a look at how they can deliver a traditional story as good or better than what has been typical of Hollywood. The brilliant camera angles in this adaption of the 1968 novel of the same name by Charles Portis, combined with a quirky and tender script, were so spellbinding that it's easy to forget in the dark this movie has been done before starring John Wayne. Fresh off of his starring role in 2009's praised "Crazy Heart" Jeff Bridges has once again proven he could embody the character of a washed up drunk in his role as Rooster Cogburn, the federal marshal a young girl hired to avenge the murder of her father. Matt Damon delivered a great performance, too, and was nearly unrecognizable as a bumbling Texas bounty hunter. Actress Hailee Steinfield should get an Oscar nomination for having pulled off so convincingly the 14-year-old character of Mattie Ross, who accompanied Cogburn on the quest to capture or slay her father's killer. This movie became a classic out of the gate.

2.  "Winter's Bone"

Director Debra Granik delivered this story about hillbillies so convincingly that I walked away from this bizarre movie thinking she must have grown up poor and in the same Appalachian hills that encircle my hometown in southwestern Pennsylvania. It wasn't until several minutes into the movie that I realized lead actress Jennifer Lawrence in her role as Ree Dolly was playing the older sister of two young children searching for their father rather than the child bride of a much-old redneck who had walked out of their lives. This movie delivered a startling new twist on the traditional story of a damsel in distress faced with losing her homestead to a local sheriff armed a foreclosure notice. Dolly came up in a culture of violent people in the Ozarks, bullies and killers who operated crystal meth labs, and her hero didn't wear white clothes and ride into her life on a white horse. No. Those folks solved their problems with whispers and retaliation.

3. "Black Swan"

This movie has been showing up on every best movie list leading into the Jan. 25 Oscar nominations. It showed up here because of its raw creativity. Director Darren Aronofsky certainly put a wicked, new spin on a star being born, or better yet, having gone through one of the strangest metamorphosis every recorded on film. Natalie Portman starred as Nina Sayers, a crazy good-girl ballerina with what appeared to have been a Morgellons itch while out to prove to her director she could become the blackest swan ever on stage. This movie left me spinning as if somehow I had been on same stage with her as she developed those tragic dark feathers.

4. "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"

Actress Noomi Rapace delivered an incredible performance as a young, bisexual Goth computer hacker with just the right talents to help an older disgraced male journalist solve the 40-year disappearance or murder of the beloved niece of a filthy rich dude. This thriller involving a serial killer who might even creep out Hannibal Lecter was based on the best-selling novel by Stieg Larsson. It spawned a movie with a seemingly never ending number of twists and turns that somehow were stitched together cohesively by director Niels Arden Opley.

5. "Alice in Wonderland"

Actress Helena Bonham Carter, if you could imagine, upstaged the outrageous Johnny Depp in this story of a grown up Alice who returned to Wonderland to save it from the evil grips of the Red Queen. Bonham - as that royal highness without a heart and an over-sized forehead - rested her feet on a pig and stole Tweedledee and Tweedledum in a story for all audiences. Hey. I am not one who made a habit of going to see children's movies, but this one by Director Tim Burton really was truly magical.

Honorable mentions:

Everyone has been raving about "The Social Network," which exposed the story that made Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg a billionaire. I, too, loved the movie, and have enjoyed an off-and-on love affair with Zuckerberg's social networking website. "I Love You Phillip Morris" - the late-bloomer starring Jim Carrey - also stood out in the pack of movies released last year. Carrey portrayed Steven Russell in a unbelievably true story about a guy who decided to tell the truth to his wife that he was gay after surviving a terrible car crash. It seemed that was the only time the guy ever told the truth in his life.

Every great story typically has involved main characters who were still likable despite their shortcomings. That's why these two movies didn't make the list, above. It's nearly impossible to walk away from a theater liking Zuckerberg in a movie that depicted him screwing over his friends to make money. Meanwhile, Russell ended up serving life in prison for being a liar, scam-artist and thief who simply hurt too many people who loved him. That character was just too incorrigible to like even a little bit.


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Stitch along with Mike's!

I'm a bad britches, stitchy friends, I know I am. But good stitchy fun is currently happening on the Meet me at Mike's blog. They've got a nice list of links to free Christmassy patterns, and they're having their own Christmas stocking stitch along, with two of their own designs. Pip's also put up some embroidery basics tutorials and they're all rather splendid. So if you haven't already, check it out! That should keep you out of mischief for a while!

Here's one that's been stitched, by a lovely gal at Brown Owls last Monday:


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The day President Kennedy waived to us

President John F. Kennedy is shown in 1962 speaking outside the Washington County Courthouse in Washington, Pa., ending a mid-term election sweep through Pennsylvania's steel country. Observer-Reporter

By Scott Beveridge

There isn't much I remember about the autumn morning in 1962 when the president of the United States paraded through my scrappy hometown in southwestern Pennsylvania.

It's because that October 13 when John F. Kennedy swept through Webster, Pa., fell six weeks beyond my 6th birthday, and I doubt that I understood then what he did for a living.

What became etched in my mind involved local moms, including my own, gathering their small children along the side of the dusty road passing through our village and waiting there in excitement for a glimpse of Kennedy's motorcade after he left a speech in nearby Monessen.

Kennedy was 45 and on a two-day tour of steel towns around Pittsburgh to stump for Democrats in a mid-term election, The Herald-American newspaper across the Monongahela River in Donora reported two days later. The speech could have easily been delivered last year because it was given at a time when Kennedy's party was about to lose seats in Congress and the governor's mansion in Harrisburg, Pa., the newspaper archives indicate at the Donora Public Library.

"Only twice in the last 100 years has the party in power, the party of the president, succeeded in picking up votes in the off year," Kennedy said on a stage erected in an A & P parking lot in Monessen. The message sound eerily familiar to those offered in the 2009 election two years after President Barack Obama won the White House.

More than 25,000 people had packed the streets around the grocery store and "every available space from one part of the city to the other," The Herald-American reported about Kennedy's visit.

Kennedy was in Democrat country that sunny morning because nearly every registered voter, dead or alive in that small city then under mafia control, shared the president's party. He won the Westmoreland County city with 7,500 votes two years earlier, with just 1,600 ballots there going to Richard M. Nixon.

"I am very conscious of who voted for me and who didn't," Kennedy said.

He began that Saturday in McKeesport after having visited Aliquippa and Downtown Pittsburgh the day before. More than 300,000 people lined the streets in Pittsburgh to catch a glimpse of Kennedy, who "was greeted more like a matinee idol than a chief executive," The Tube City Almanac reported.

Kennedy criticized Republicans in Washington, D.C., at every stop, particularly for their opposition of spending money on such domestic challenges as medicare, education and housing.

Surely the president had to be alarmed at the state of the housing in my town, where houses had turned black from decades of exposure to pollution from the steel mills in Donora and Monessen. The poor town didn't have sidewalks. It didn't even have much grass, either, because the acidic air that spewed from the Donora zinc works had killed most of the vegetation.

The Donora newspaper didn't bother to mention the president's motorcade passed through Webster en route Monessen, and then again to another stop at the Washington County Courthouse in Washington, Pa. The article simply stated Kennedy passed by Donora on the "opposite side" of the river.

Yet we were proud to greet Kennedy on Second Street near the ramp to the Donora-Webster Bridge as he waived to us from a black Lincoln Continental sedan with an open convertible.

It was a historic day for us, even though my mom and her female neighbors expressed much disappointment that the president had come to town without his fashionable wife Jacqueline.

President Kennedy, center, greets people outside Washington County Courthouse, Washington, Pa., at the end of a two-day campaign swing through southwestern Pennsylvania on October 13, 1962, during the mid-term election. Observer-Reporter


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According to a new government census India's tiger population has fallen drastically during the past five years, with poaching and urbanisation cited as the probable reasons for the decline.

Tigers are poached for their body parts - skins are prized for fashion and tiger bones are used for oriental medicines. India is home to 40% of the world's tigers, with 23 tiger reserves in 17 states.


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Inside YouTube Search


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Jumping in with Both Feet

Remember that big dream that I was hoping would come true in the last post? Well, it looks like it IS going to come true after all - hooray!!

I am very excited to tell you that I will be taking a workshop with my #1 favorite artist/author, Sabrina Ward Harrison, this May in Prince Edward Island! I can't wait!! Just a few days ago, I was making my Mondo Beyondo list, and one of the items was, "Take a Class with/Meet Sabrina Ward Harrison." Two days later, I was browsing through my Google Reader, and I saw a post from Papaya's blog that talked about an upcoming workshop Sabrina is teaching! I thought, "This was meant to be," and I decided to jump in with both feet and sign up right away.

I think I first found Sabrina's books when I was a senior in high school. At that time, Spilling Open was the only one out, and I don't remember how I stumbled upon it, but once I saw it, I knew it would be an instant favorite. Sabrina's art and honest deep-down-digging writing was unlike anything I'd ever seen in print form, and it was super inspiring. It also made my own art journals feel a little more validated, making them more of a priority in my life. I eagerly awaited the publications of her next three books, loving each one of them very much. I am so excited to be taking a class with her and can't wait to share photos and stories with you about the trip... May can't come soon enough!!

I feel like I have been doing a lot of this "jumping in with two feet" thing lately. At the beginning of the new year, one of my goals was to focus more on my art and my Etsy shop, so I decided to take two days off of work a week to work on those goals. To be honest, right now it is not paying off financially, but I hope that with time and with persistence, I will find that I made the right choice. If not, I can always go back to full time at work, but I hope it doesn't come to that. The good thing is, I am SO much more happy now that I am working at my day job less, and that has to be worth something even if the Etsy sales aren't quite there yet.

Speaking of Etsy, I will be posting new goodies throughout the day today, so be sure to take a peek at the shop... lots of new clothes, including the buffalo t-shirt below:


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Owl love you

Hello Stitchy friends,
Oh yes, it's been a long time, I know! Short story is that 2009 was a HORRID year and as such, all crafty endeavours suffered. But I'm getting back on track now, and to show you how much owl love you all here's a pattern from a late 60's Crewelwork set:

Hopefully it's clear enough for you to print and use...I don't have access to a scanner anymore, so I took a pic of this pattern with my i-phone. And don't forget to share any pics of your stitchy goodness to the Flickr embroidery pool!


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All in a row

In the mysterious shell grotto - ooooooh!
Margate - Kent


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For the land where it's a great travesty
To harm a stork's nest in a pear tree,
For storks serve us all...
I am homesick, Lord!...

Cyprian Kamil Norwid


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How You Voted: Amanda Knox Movie

A Lifetime movie based on the murder case against Amanda Knox created controversy and brought Hollywood stars Hayden Panettiere and Marcia Gay Harden to cable TV. Despite that, the debuted this week to disappointing ratings.

We asked whether you watched 'Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy' and just 15.7% of voters tuned in. More than 84% didn't catch the real-life murder mystery.

There are sure to be many more news stories about Knox and her parents' legal troubles but with the poor reception this movie received, likely no more Hollywood dramas about the case.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Be sure to vote in our latest poll!

Do you think Amanda Knox is guilty?


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Libya's Deputy Ambassador Calls for "No-Fly Zone Over Libya"; Crude, Gold, Silver Futures Spike, Equities Hit; Oil Companies Prepare Exit

Protests in Libya have now entered their 8th day. In a decidedly different tone to the revolts in Egypt and Tunisia, Libyan authorities shot at demonstrators from war planes and helicopters.

Please see Warplanes, Militia Fire on Libyan Protesters; Libya?s U.N. Diplomats Break With Qaddafi, Call Leader "Genocidal War Criminal" for details.

In response to those plane attacks, Libyan diplomats are now asking the US and UN for help. Libya's Deputy Ambassador has asked for a "No-Fly Zone Over Libya"

Oil Companies Prepare for Shutdown

The Financial Times reports Oil groups prepare to close down in Libya
Oil production in Libya is set to drop dramatically as major international companies and sub-contractors evacuate their staff from the north African country, potentially sending oil prices much higher.

Crude oil prices shot up on Monday to a fresh 2�-year high above $105 a barrel as traders braced for the impact of political unrest in Libya, the first major oil exporting country to be hit by turmoil in the Middle East. Brent rallied further in after-hours trading, up to $108.70 a barrel.

Given that Libya is the 8th-largest oil-producer in OPEC and the 12th-largest exporter overall, oil futures are flying this evening, while equities are getting hammered.

Oil traders offered conflicting reports about oil loadings at Libyan ports, with some reporting problems at several terminals and refineries and others saying that vessels were still load. Shipbrokers said some vessels were refusing to sail to Libya.

The country is the world?s 12th largest oil exporter and a critical supplier to European countries. Italy, Germany and France imported last year more than half of Libyan oil.

While Libya?s state-owned national oil company controls the majority of the country?s oil production, international oil companies are key for sustaining output through joint ventures. Sub-contractors are also essential to run the fields.
Oil prices jump as violence spreads in Libya

The LA Times reports Oil prices jump as violence spreads in Libya
Unlike Egypt, Tunisia and Bahrain, which are not major oil producers, Libya is a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC. The world's 12th-largest oil exporter, Libya sells most of its 1.8-million-barrel daily output to Europe. Citizen protests and the attempts by the government of Moammar Kadafi to suppress the demonstrations have begun to squeeze the country's oil production.

A German oil venture is suspending its daily production of 100,000 barrels, while other major oil companies have started to evacuate family members and non-essential employees from Libya. The Nafoora oil field in a prolific part of the country has been shut down by strikes, the Al Jazeera news network reported. A tribal leader in eastern Libya, home to several major fields, also told Al Jazeera that his tribe "would stop oil exports to Western countries" if the regime did not end its violent crackdown.

The regime's spokesman, Kadafi's son Seif Islam, said oil fields could be attacked by "thugs" if the protests go too far.

"We will have a new Libya, new flag, new anthem," he said Sunday in a rambling, often combative speech that was the regime's attempt at compromise. "Or else, be ready to start a civil war and chaos and forget oil and petrol."

On Monday, the U.S. average price for a gallon of regular gasoline rose to $3.171, up from $3.126 a week earlier, according to the AAA Fuel Gauge Report. California's average gasoline price, the highest in the U.S. except for Hawaii and Alaska, rose to $3.561 a gallon, up more than 11 cents from last week's $3.450.

At the downtown Los Angeles Shell station on Olympic Boulevard at Grand Avenue, Mya Ross of Culver City uttered a profanity when she saw the $3.91-a-gallon price, even though her 2005 Toyota Corolla is thrifty in terms of fuel economy. She said she refuses to buy more than a few gallons at a time when prices are this high. "I get so disgusted," said Ross 23. "But it's kind of silly because it just means I stop at more gas stations and get angry all over again."

Libya exports "light sweet," or low-sulfur, crude, which is prized for gasoline production and could be hard to replace, even if the Saudis step in, said Edward Morse, head of commodities research for Credit Suisse.
Equity and Futures Markets

As one might expect, oil futures are flying, as is gold. Silver was up $1.64 but has given back most of that. The US dollar is firm. Here are a few details as of 3:00 AM Central.

  • S&P 500 Futures are -22 points, -1.64%
  • Nasdaq 100 Futures are -42 points, -1.77%
  • WTIC Crude is up $8.24 to $97.94
  • Brent Crude is up $1.97 to $107.71
  • Gold is up $12.60 to $1401 having reached as high as $1411
  • Silver is up $.60 to $32.90 having reached as high as $34.32
  • US$ index is +$.47

This can easily change a great deal by morning.

Brent Crude

click on any chart for sharper image

WTI Crude

Equity Sea of Red - Asia

click on any chart for sharper image

Equity Sea of Red - Europe

The European markets were not yet closed when I took that snapshot. All will likely close in the red but Asia got hit harder with the Shanghai stock index off 2.6%.

Live Blog Libya

Here is a link to the Al Jazeera Libya Live Blog

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List


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Sonntag, 27. Februar 2011

A Novel Treasury

My Venezia bracelet is part of this treasury based on the novel, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This collection is so interesting, I'm tempted to go check out the book !


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Copper Treasury

Here is a gorgeous treasury simply titled Copper ! My Natural Beauty agate slab necklace is one of the featured selections. Thanks to fellow Etsy Beadweaver, Connie of Asterope Bead Creations for including my necklace.


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Kids interactive theatre

Little Magic Stories by Chris O’Shea “This is the first version of the project to test the idea and build the system. This story about the seasons was created entirely by the children, with the interactivity in the scenes built by me. Some scenes used motion detection in zones to trigger animations, such as catching [...]


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Arab Unrest Propels Iran; Saudi King Rolls Out Reforms; Violence Shakes Kurdistan; Bahrain, Saudi Kings Discuss Unrest; Brent Crude Spikes Near $120

The civil war in Libya continues but much of Iraq is now in the hands of the rebellion. As the revolt spreads, Qaddafi Masses Forces in Tripoli for a final showdown or a counterstrike against the rebels.
As rebellion crept closer to the capital and defections of military officers multiplied, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi called on thousands of mercenaries and irregular security forces on Wednesday to defend his bastion in Tripoli, in what residents said was a desperate and dangerous turn in the week-old uprising.

Distrustful of even his own generals, Colonel Qaddafi has for years quietly built up this ruthless and loyal force. It is made up of special brigades headed by his sons, segments of the military loyal to his native tribe and its allies, and legions of African mercenaries he has helped train and equip.

Witnesses said thousands of members of this irregular army were massing on roads to the capital, Tripoli, where one resident described scenes evocative of anarchic Somalia: clusters of heavily armed men in mismatched uniforms clutching machine guns and willing to carry out orders to kill Libyans that other police and military units, and even fighter pilots, have refused.

But amid spreading rebellion and growing defections by top officials, diplomats and segments of the regular army, Colonel Qaddafi?s preparations for a defense of Tripoli also reframed the question of who might still be enforcing his rule.

Colonel Qaddafi, who took power in a military coup, has always kept the Libyan military too weak and divided to do the same thing to him. About half its relatively small 50,000-member army is made up of poorly trained and unreliable conscripts, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Colonel Qaddafi?s own clan dominates the air force and the upper level of army officers, and they are believed to have remained loyal to him, in part because his clan has the most to lose from his ouster.

But perhaps the most significant force that Colonel Qaddafi has deployed against the current insurrection is one believed to consist of about 2,500 mercenaries from countries like Chad, Sudan and Niger that he calls his Islamic Pan African Brigade.

Elsewhere, there were signs that Colonel Qaddafi?s forces were refortifying. For the first time, witnesses said, at least four army tanks had rolled into the streets of the capital.
Saudi Arabia King Rolls Out Reforms

Fearful of uprisings in the region Saudi Arabia King Rolls Out Reforms
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah returned to the kingdom Wednesday after a three-month absence for medical treatment and introduced a number of nonpolitical reforms amid regional uprisings that have toppled regimes in Tunisia and Egypt and infected neighboring Bahrain.

The social and economic overhaul, estimated to cost around 135 billion Saudi riyals ($36 billion), include housing support, funding to offset inflation and guarantee of payment for students overseas, according to a series of royal decrees published on the official Saudi Press Agency, or SPA. They come as political upheaval continues to sweep the Arab world.

"The measures are paying particular attention to housing, unemployment, education and helping the brunt of Saudis who work for the public sector be better protected from cost of living pressures. The unemployment benefits are the first of its kind in Saudi Arabia," said John Sfakianakis, chief economist at Banque Saudi Fransi. "The message from King Abdullah is that he's aware of the challenges facing the economy and steps are taken to address immediate and more medium-term issues."

"Saudis want more from the king and his regime. They want more political and social freedom, more rights for women, better education and more job opportunities," said a Saudi businessman who declined to be named. "The region is changing rapidly and the Saudis want to feel this change in their country too."

A few hundred Facebook users called for a "day of rage in Saudi Arabia" earlier this week, demanding more political freedom and an elected leader. A few Facebook pages called for protests on March 11 in the Arab world's largest economy, but it was too early to judge if these demonstrations will take place.
Bahrain King in Saudi Arabia to Discuss Unrest

Please consider Bahrain King in Saudi Arabia to Discuss Unrest
A day after one of the largest pro-democracy demonstrations this tiny Persian Gulf nation had ever seen, its king was in Saudi Arabia, a close ally and neighbor, to discuss the unrest engulfing the region.

The visit of King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa on Wednesday came just as the aging Saudi ruler, King Abdullah, returned to the country after three months of medical treatment in the United States and Morocco.

King Hamad had already tried his own payout ? offering $2,650 to every Bahraini family in the days before large protests broke out more than a week ago ? but the economic concession was not enough to stem the tide of opposition from the country?s Shiite majority. Sunnis, the majority in Saudi Arabia, also form the ruling class in Bahrain, where Sunnis are a minority.

In a nation of only 500,000 citizens, the sheer size of the gathering on Tuesday in Manama, Bahrain?s capital, was astonishing. Tens of thousands of men, women and children, mostly members of the Shiite majority, formed a ribbon of protest for several miles along the Sheik Khalifa bin Salman Highway as they headed for the square, calling for the downfall of the government in a march that was intended to show national unity.

?This is the first time in the history of Bahrain that the majority of people, of Bahraini people, got together with one message: this regime must fall,? said Muhammad Abdullah, 43, who was almost shaking with emotion as he watched the swelling crowd.

?It is a revolution,? said Hussein Mohammed, 37, a bookstore owner and volunteer for Al Wefaq. ?It is a big revolution. It is unbelievable.?
Three Questions

  1. Given that payouts failed in Bahrain, will payouts work in Saudi Arabia?
  2. Saudi Arabia is much wealthier of course, but are Saudi concerns about money or political freedom?
  3. How long can can King Abdullah last at age 86, given he is not in especially good health?

Please note that the crown prince and next in line is Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, and if anything, Sultan is even in worse medical condition.
In 2004, [Sultan] was diagnosed with colon cancer and reportedly underwent several corrective surgeries. He underwent an operation to remove an intestinal polyp. In April 2009, it was reported that he was, again, seriously ill, and had spent several months in New York City at New York Presbyterian Hospital undergoing surgery and shuttling thereafter between the United States and Agadir, Morocco. He has spent much of the last year abroad for medical treatment and rest.

A leaked March 2009 diplomatic cable from WikiLeaks showed that U.S. diplomats view Crown Prince Sultan as "for all intents and purposes incapacitated". Sultan, who will be eighty-seven this year, is believed to be suffering from a form of dementia, possibly Alzheimer's disease.
Bonus 4th Question: Will the people readily accept the new king?

Violence Shakes Kurdistan

The New York Times reports Iraqi Kurdistan, Known as Haven, Faces Unrest
This is a place that calls itself ?the other Iraq,? a haven of social and economic stability that largely escaped the bloodshed and chaos that have ravaged the rest of the nation.

But over the past week a wave of sometimes violent unrest has shaken Kurdistan, posing a rare challenge to the political powers that have led Iraq?s mountainous north for decades, during and after Saddam Hussein.

Thousands of people ? many of them university students ? have been filling the central square here to wave Kurdish flags and voice the calls for change that echo those ringing across northern Africa and the Middle East. The protests here, reflecting a long-festering anger with government corruption and partisan politics, have grown larger in recent days, and have support from this eclectic city?s legions of poets, writers, artists and unions.

?Everyone is angry,? said Asos Hardi, manager of Awena, one of the few newspapers not tied to one of the region?s political or religious parties. ?Everyone from the taxi driver to the shopkeeper to intellectuals and students.?
Balance of Power Shifts Towards Iran

The New York Times reports Arab Unrest Propels Iran as Saudi Influence Declines
The popular revolts shaking the Arab world have begun to shift the balance of power in the region, bolstering Iran?s position while weakening and unnerving its rival, Saudi Arabia, regional experts said.

While it is far too soon to write the final chapter on the uprisings? impact, Iran has already benefited from the ouster or undermining of Arab leaders who were its strong adversaries and has begun to project its growing influence, the analysts said. This week Iran sent two warships through the Suez Canal for the first time since its revolution in 1979, and Egypt?s new military leaders allowed them to pass.

The Sunni leaders in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain accuse their Shiite populations of loyalty to Iran, a charge rejected by Shiites who say it is intended to stoke sectarian tensions and justify opposition to democracy.

The uprisings are driven by domestic concerns. But they have already shredded a regional paradigm in which a trio of states aligned with the West supported engaging Israel and containing Israel?s enemies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, experts said. The pro-engagement camp of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia is now in tatters. Hosni Mubarak of Egypt has been forced to resign, King Abdullah of Jordan is struggling to control discontent in his kingdom and Saudi Arabia has been left alone to face a rising challenge to its regional role.

?I think the Saudis are worried that they?re encircled ? Iraq, Syria, Lebanon; Yemen is unstable; Bahrain is very uncertain,? said Alireza Nader, an expert in international affairs with the RAND Corporation. ?They worry that the region is ripe for Iranian exploitation. Iran has shown that it is very capable of taking advantage of regional instability.?

?Iran is the big winner here,? said a regional adviser to the United States government who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.

For now, Iran and Syria are emboldened. Qatar and Oman are tilting toward Iran, and Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain and Yemen are in play.

?If these ?pro-American? Arab political orders currently being challenged by significant protest movements become at all more representative of their populations, they will for sure become less enthusiastic about strategic cooperation with the United States,? Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett, former National Security Council staff members, wrote in an e-mail.
The balance of power may have shifted to Iran, but Iran is certainly not immune from similar uprisings.

Bidding War For Light Crude?

With all that turmoil, the price of oil has once again spiked overnight. I have some charts below, but first consider Why the Disruption of Libyan Oil Has Led to a Price Spike
Crude oil prices reached $100 a barrel in the United States on Wednesday, the highest price in more than two years, as Middle East oil flows were interrupted this week for the first time since the region?s turmoil began.

Analysts estimate that as many as a million barrels of Libyan oil a day have been removed from world markets in recent days, and investors fear that more oil production could be disrupted if the unrest spreads to other crucial producing nations, like Algeria.

More broadly, economists are concerned that if oil prices stay high this year, they could slow the already fragile global economic recovery. As a general rule of thumb, every $10 increase in the price of a barrel of oil reduces the growth of the gross domestic product by half a percentage point within two years.

Libya produces less than 2 percent of the world?s oil, and exports little to the United States. But the high quality of its reserves magnifies its importance in world markets.

Libya?s ?sweet? crude oil cannot be easily replaced in the production of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, particularly by the many European and Asian refineries that are not equipped to refine ?sour? crude, which is higher in sulfur content. Saudi Arabia has more than four million barrels of spare capacity and has promised to tap it if necessary, but that capacity is mostly for sour grades of oil.

Should the turmoil in Libya last for more than a few weeks, oil experts predict that European refiners will be forced to buy sweet crude from Algeria and Nigeria, two principal sources of sweet crude for the United States. That would probably push up American gasoline prices, which have already risen 6 cents a gallon over the last week to an average of $3.19 for regular grade.

?It will force all sweet crude refiners into a bidding war,? said Lawrence J. Goldstein, a director at the Energy Policy Research Foundation, an organization partly financed by the oil industry. ?Quality matters more than quantity.?

The price of the benchmark American oil, West Texas Intermediate, briefly touched $100 on Wednesday before settling at $98.10 in New York trading, up $2.68 from Tuesday. In London, the benchmark Brent crude rose $5.47, to $111.25.

A gauge of jet fuel prices, known as Gulf Coast jet fuel, soared 10.7 cents, to $2.99 a gallon in the spot market on Wednesday, putting pressure on airlines to raise fares. Meanwhile, diesel prices have risen 4 cents in the last week, to $3.57 a gallon, the highest level since October 2008.
Brent Crude Spikes Near $120

Both Brent and WTI spiked higher early Thursday morning. As happened yesterday, much of the spike retraced, only to shoot up again. Will we see yet another spike tomorrow? While pondering that, here are a couple charts.

Brent Daily Chart

click on chart for sharper image

WTI Daily Chart

click on chart for sharper image

Supply Shock on Top of Speculation

WTI has gone from $75 to over $100 since September. If that rise was a result of a strengthening economy and millions of new jobs it would be one thing. However, it's not. Much of the rise is speculative and/or a result of a hugely overheating situation in China.

Top that off with a supply shock spike, and there is nothing inflationary about the situation at all. These oil spikes will certainly not help the European or US economies.

Amusingly I read stories that higher oil prices will force the ECB to hike. No they won't. For starters, supply shocks have nothing to do with inflation. Second, ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet, for all his anti-inflation talk over the years, has turned out to be nothing but a pussycat. Besides Trichet will be gone in October (unless via some emergency he is asked to stay on).

Were Axel Weber to take Trichet's spot, a genuine hawk would be in line to head up the ECB. However, Weber has bowed out of the race.

The ECB presidency is now up for grabs, and with most of the board on the doveish side, I do not see the ECB hiking anytime soon given sovereign contagion worries are still intact and now there is an oil supply shock on top of it. Nonetheless, the idea of interest rates hikes in Europe is holding the Euro firm for a moment. How long that lasts is anyone's guess.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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The hot dip this NFL season

It appears most NFL parties this season would not be complete without Buffalo chicken dip. I mean this appetizer has caught on faster than a Hines Ward reception during the second half when the Pittsburgh Steelers were down two touchdowns a needed to pull a win out of their gizzard.

Below you will find my recipe for the dip, shown above, which was supposed to have been served last Friday to my coworkers at Observer-Reporter newsroom in Washington, Pa.. It was my contribution to a Steelers luncheon in advance of Pittsburgh's exciting come-from-behind win the next day against the belittled Baltimore Ravens.

However, the news got in my way that day in the form of my having to report on state police filing first-degree homicide charges against three suspects in a 2003 cold-case slaying in California Borough, Pa.

One of my editors ended up taking half of the dip to a party she would attend the next day, while the night newsroom staff ended up being treated to what remained in the bowl. Thankfully that crew washed said bowl before leaving it empty on my desk.


1 20 ounce bag of Giant Eagle Fire Roasted Fully Cooked frozen chicken breasts
1  small white onion
5 stalks of celery
1 12 ounce bottle Marzetti Blue Cheese Simply Dressing
1 8 ounce package of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 8 ounce package of Kraft Mexican Cheddar Jack shredded cheese
McIlhenny Co. Tabasco Brand Pepper Sauce to taste


Microwave chicken according to instructions on the bag, chop and place into medium size mixing bowl. Finely chop celery and onions. Soften cheese in microwave oven. Mix ingredients into the chicken and chill overnight. Reheating before serving is optional.


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National Margarita Day 2011

Raise a glass today in honor of National Margarita Day! One of the tastiest food holidays on the calendar, today is best celebrated with an icy glass of everyone's favorite Mexican mixed drink.

Whether you're celebrating in Margaritaville with Jimmy Buffett, at your local Mexican cantina or at home, the biggest drink decision you should make today should be: on the rocks or blended?

There's no clear inventor of the margarita but folklore credits everyone from showgirl Rita De La Rosa, who is named by Jose Cuervo Margarita Mix, to Barman 'Willie' in Mexico City, who supposedly made the drink for family friend Marguerite Hemery.

Whatever the answer, we can all agree that whoever decided on the tequila, triple sec and lemon/lime juice combination was a genius. Have fun celebrating!

Top Searched Margaritas:
1. Skinnygirl Margarita
2. Strawberry Margarita
3. Italian Margarita
4. Cadillac Margarita
5. Texas Margarita
6. Mango Margarita
7. Frozen Margarita
8. Perfect Margarita
9. Blue Margarita
10. Peach Margarita

What's your favorite margarita flavor?

For more on today's hottest stories, check out our top searched list. Also check out AOL News Search for breaking news around the world. What other big stories happened today? Let us know! Come back for tomorrow's Hot Searches and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for daily updates.


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Weekly Lost Podcast Everyobody Loves Hugo IR Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party! Click Here To Download In this episode, Stephanie and I share our intial reaction to Season 6 Episode 12, “Everybody Loves Hugo” Don’t forget to give us a call on our listener line. It’s open and ready for [...]


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The terrible toilet seat

By Scott Beveridge

PITTSBURGH ? It would be easy to explain why someone would grab a brick or a chunk of concrete to take home and remember a football stadium while it is being demolished.

It's not the case for Denny DeLuca, a chef on Pittsburgh's North Side.  He grabbed a toilet seat from the last stall on the right in the rest room at the section frequented by him and his children during Steelers games at Three Rivers Stadium - before the team's home park disappeared in a 2001 implosion.

"Don't worry about it, it's been disinfected," DeLuca explains in a video at an art gallery in Pittsburgh where his off-the-wall Steelers man cave has been installed at Carnegie Mellon University.

Most Yinzers, though, will understand why DeLuca placed a sign across the seat stating it's the only sign of life in Cleveland, the Steelers' biggest rival, before he hung the black plastic toilet cover on the wall of his Carnegie game room. The pile of fake plastic poop glued to the side of the seat is another story.

His shrine is wall-to-wall Steelers, and it rises to the level of primitive art. A dummy of Troy Polamalu hangs from the ceiling as if the team's strong safety is flying after a loose football. A sliver of an steel I-beam where DeLuca scribbled memories of great plays at Three Rivers Stadium sits below his flat screen TV. There is a string of game day tickets across one wall next to his large collection of miniature plastic Steelers players. Two tiny dead Ravens - birds representing the hated team from Baltimore - hang from a string beside the TV.

The display gets weirder and wonderful, and you have just one week left to see it for yourself. The show has been extended because the Steelers are playing the Green Bay Packers Feb. 6 in Super Bowl XLV.

DeLuca's basement room is "crammed floor to ceiling with hundreds of handmade and altered objects, each with its own story that describes both the biography of the team and Denny's autobiography," the  curators explain in a pamphlet about the show titled, "Whatever it Takes: Steelers Fan Collections, Rituals, and Obsessions."

Astria Suparak, the gallery curator, and Jon Rubin, an assistant CMU professor of art, are newbies in Pittsburgh, and they were inspired to create the exhibit after being struck by the singular nature of Pittsburgh's immersion in all things black-and-gold, an article in the Observer-Reporter explains.

The show also celebrates how one fan sets aside 62 minutes before each game to afford enough time to kiss every Steelers item in the house prior to kickoff.

Meanwhile, it also pays tribute to a string of fans who have adorned their bodies with Steelers tattoos. One of them actually thought he would look good with a tattoo inked across his chest of a hand with its middle finger wearing a Steelers ring and flipping the bird. Another favored a tattoo up and down his arm of team founder Art Rooney Sr. smoking a cigar - as if either are sexy.

The show organizers attempt to explain the odd fan obsession with the Steelers through a generation spawned by great teams of the 1970s, the collapse of the steel industry and the city's working man mentality. 

"The team mirrored the values and desires of its working class fans: they were owned by a self-made local family, named after the local industry, and had a relentlessly hard-nosed playing style," the brochure states. 

It's a good try by outsiders to explain us, but I tend to think we have crazy fans here because we also have a great football team that plays exciting, nail-biting games even when it loses.

The gallery can be found in the Purnell Center for the Arts, 5000 Forbes Ave. Hours: noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. A Super Bowl party and closing remarks are set for 6 p.m. Feb. 6. Complimentary snacks and BEVERAGES, sponsored by Iron City Brewing Co. Admission is free.

The black and gold calf, left, and Steelers SuperFan by Lem Apperson.


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