Mittwoch, 23. März 2011

Quebec Earthquake Rattles Many

A 4.7-magnitude earthquake rattled western Quebec this afternoon. The quake's epicenter was Lachute, a town 75 kilometers northwest of Montreal, where witnesses say the ground shook for about 10 seconds.

No major damage or injuries were reported. Natural Resources Canada later downgraded the quake to a magnitude 4.3; the U.S. Geological Survey rated it 3.7.

The Canadian earthquake startled many in the wake of Japan's massive magnitude 9.0 trembler last week. Minor quakes are commonly in Canada and rarely felt.

In June, a magnitude 5.0 earthquake shook the Quebec-Ontario border, damaging buildings and roads in Gracefield, Quebec. Tremors from the quake could be felt as far away as Pennsylvania.

Top Searched Earthquake Questions:
1. What causes earthquakes?
2. Did the earth shift from the earthquake in Japan?
3. What was the most powerful earthquake ever?
4. How do you survive an earthquake?
5. How can you predict an earthquake?

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