Samstag, 5. Februar 2011

U.S. to Evacuate Americans From Egypt

Many US citizens have been trapped in Egypt hoping to get to any other country for connecting flights. Unfortunately, flights out of Egypt have ground to a halt. In response, the New York Times reports U.S. to Evacuate Americans
The Egyptian military reinforced parts of the capital on Sunday with tanks, jets and helicopters as tens of thousands of protesters flooded central Cairo for the sixth day, defying yet again government orders of a nationwide curfew.

In a stunning collapse of authority, most police have withdrawn from major cities, and soldiers fired shots into the air in an effort to control the crowds, seized by growing fears of lawlessness and buoyed by euphoria that three decades of President Hosni Mubarak?s rule may be coming to an end.

Thousands of inmates poured out of four prisons and the United States said it was organizing flights to evacuate its citizens Sunday.

The American Embassy, which urged all Americans in Egypt to ?consider leaving as soon as they can safely do so,? underlined a deep sense of pessimism among Egypt?s allies over Mr. Mubarak?s fate, as the uprising against his rule entered a sixth day.

Several hours after nightfall, Mohamed ElBaradei, the Egyptian opposition figure and Nobel prize winner, arrived the square. ?What we have begun, we cannot go back,? he said, news agencies reported.

?It is loud and clear from everybody in Egypt that Mubarak has to leave today,? he said in an interview on CNN. He said Mr. Mubarak?s departure should be followed by a transition to a national unity government and ?all the measures set in place for a free and fair election.?
Note: The NYT headline of "U.S. to Evacuate Americans From Egypt" does not match the story. It appears, the story will follow. Here is a link to the latest New York Times Headlines.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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